Let me guess. You are at my site because you are bored and you ran out of cool shit to check out online.  Well, in order to show my appreciation, I have come up with some NEATO sites for you all to check out!  Tell me what you think of them.  And tell me about other cool sites that aren't mentioned on here.  What? You have a site that's cool?  LET ME KNOW! I'll put your bitch ass on here!
          Awesome site for, you guessed it, farts!  They even through some poop in there too.  How sweet is that??!

          Very interesting site with tons of goodies in it, ranging from humorous audios to sick pictures.  If this shit doesn't make you laugh, then nothin will.

Now this place is the shit.  It is my favorite shop in my home town of good 'ol Champaign, IL.  Check out this site if you are looking for the coolest horror shirts around!!  Be sure to stop by LIX if you are ever in the area because there are tons of neato things that aren't on the site.


         If you have not seen this site yet, YOU MUST.  It covers everything from why you need to beat your kids, to teaching the ways of pissing off credit card companies.  This guy has it all; MADDOX FOR PRESIDENT!!