Editorial, DRT, 19(1), 2001
Drying R&D is a truly global activity as evidenced by the fact that this journal has published works of authors from over fifty countries over the years.  Both developed and developing countries have contributed to the body of knowledge on drying fundamentals and applications at an accelerated pace - evidence of the significance of this deceptively straight-forward unit operation found in all industrial sectors.
It is interesting to analyze the origin of contributors published in this journal in the last volume (volume 18, 2000) as we enter the third millennium.  Comparison of the following statistical data with similar figures for year 1999 (see Editorial of DRT, vol. 18, no. 6, 2000) shows some interesting trends. Of course, these data are biased somewhat by the publication of theme issues of a regional nature.  The increased number of contributions from the developing world is noteworthy (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. Research efforts in drying by national origin
In 2001, at least three major conferences will be held around the globe that will focus on drying and dewatering technologies.  Dissemination of selected peer-reviewed technical papers from some of these key events is an important task that this journal has accomplished with success.  It is my hope that this will avoid duplication of R&D effort and provide opportunities for networking with research groups around the world with similar interests.
I would be happy to hear from our readers about any ideas and suggestions that will enhance the value of our journal to academic as well as industrial audiences.
A.S. Mujumdar