Custom ARt n CariCatures Greetin's
Digitally creating custom art for downloading or Email. Complimentary caricatures fom 72dpi "pastel and marker" to painterly more detailed at 300dpi for printout as promotional gifts or advertising fun.Add a unique and original graphic for your desktop or attachment and or printout from your printer or the shop in your neighborhood.(one more time,case i forget)Digitally creating custom art for downloading or Email. Complimentary-( the word that means"positive" NOT the word that means"withou charge"-word)-caricatures fom 72dpi "pastel and marker" to painterly more detailed at 300dpi for printout as promotional gifts or advertising fun.Add a unique and original graphic for your desktop or attachment and or printout from your printer or the shop in your neighborhood.
"Needin to say it best,..give the best  =)} Caricature Greetings"
fore more info about making me work:
a muse seeker info
more irrelevant trivialities
I go by the  name of
Name: david, David Sullivan