<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dseize/interd.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
New Update Sept 22 2004
What's up everyone just had some news to drop.
First of all if you want a little taste of the Cd i'm giving out a 6 track teaser for free to whoever wants one just let me know
Second I've got an all ages show coming up on Oct 29th not sure off all the details but i'll let you know. Mark it on you Calender
Where can you listen to my music?
Let me tell you a bit about myself, I'm currently 21 years old, I live in Halifax Nova Scotia, and have been "officially" making music for about three years.  I started listening to hip hop in the 7th grade while all my friends were in to Nirvana.  Iwent to Q.E. for Highschool and currently go to Saint Mary's University.  But enough about me.
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All my songs Including the old one's are at
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If you haven't heard my music which you probably haven't I'm trying to make hip hop the way I want to make it.  I got tired of listening to people talking about money, crime and the rest of that bullshit.  I don't think that's what hip hop should be about even though that's what it is slowly becoming.  I think hip hop should be about expressing your individuality and creativity not just trying to do what every other MC is doing.  So that's what I try and do.