Antimatter, Time Travel, Teleportation and more!
More fun Science topics & links

What the airlines never told you! (Or, fun with geiger counters)
ABC's of Nuclear Science (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
The Particle Adventure (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Physics Questions People Ask Fermilab
Waves or Particles (Fermilab)
Zero Point Energy (Fermilab)
Is Antineutron the same as Neutron? (Fermilab)
Physical Science Timeline (Bell Labs)

Time travel

Cesium Atomic Clocks (U.S Naval Observatory)
Time Travel - PBS NOVA
What is General Relativity? (equation from PBS NOVA Time Travel episode)
General Relativity (University of Illinois)
Quantum Time Travel (John G. Cramer)

Quantum teleportation

Quantum Teleportation (IBM)
The Quantum Physics of Teleportation (John G. Cramer)

Breaking the light speed barrier

Tunneling through the Lightspeed Barrier (John G. Cramer)
Slowing light to 17 meters per second
Light (Fermilab)
The Radiometer (The Bell Jar)

Atom Laser / Bose-Einstein Condensation

Atom Laser (MIT)
The Atom Laser (John G. Cramer)
Bose-Einstein Condensation (MIT)
Bose-Einstein Condensation, A New Form of Matter (John G. Cramer)


Nanotechnology (Ralph C. Merkle)
The Nobel Prizes
The Alternate View columns (John G. Cramer)
Richard P. Feynman (Bill Beaty)
Albert Einstein Online
American Institute of Physics - Exhibit Hall
Exploring and Collecting History Online (Echo)
American Scientific - The Amateur Scientist column index (SAS)
NOVA Online Previous Sites by Subject
Physics Timeline (formerly, New and Alternative Theories of Physics)
Physics 2000, journey through modern physics (University of Colorado)
A course in Quantum Mechanics (University of Wisconsin)
Lindsay Publications
the Bell Jar
The Hubble Constant (NASA)
Big Bang Science...exploring the origins of matter (PPARC)
WebElements periodic table of the elements
Darwin Awards
SETI@home (The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)

Earth science and nature

USGS aerial photos online (Microsoft & USGS)
Mount St. Helens volcano cam - live picture (USGS)
Old Faithful Geyser webcam - live picture (NPS)
Science pictures
Real Time Weather Data for Meteorologists (UCAR)
Today's Space Weather
The Butterfly WebSite
National Center For Science Education - Exploring the creation/evolution controversy
Americans United For Separation of Church and State
Dry Dredgers
Fossils from the Ordovician

Electronics for the experimenter / hobbyist

Mike's Electric Stuff
Don's Xenon Flash and Strobe page
The homebuilt LASERS page (Mark Csele)
Lightning on demand
Levitating World Globe, a look inside
Magnetic Levitation - Science is Fun
Solar powered oscillator experiment (Bell Labs)
Speech Synthesis, Bell System Science Experiment No. 3
Electromagnetic field meter
Text to speech synthesis online (Bell Labs)
The Xtal Set Society
Tesla Coils (Bill Beaty)
Electrostatics (Bill Beaty)
Van de Graaff Pelletron charging chain
Nuts and Volts Magazine

Overunity Research
Attempts to break the perpetual motion barrier

Overunity Updates (Stefan Hartmann)
The Quest for Overunity (Jean Naudin)
The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman
The Story of Joseph Newman's Energy Device
Blacklight Power Inc.
Weird Science other websites Free Energy (Bill Beaty)
The Free Energy Page (William J. Eaton)

Links to other science links sites

Weird and Wonderful Science (The Apothecary's Drawer)
Science Hobbyist (Bill Beaty)
Amateur Science (Bill Beaty)
PhysicsWeb - Web Links Index
Links2Go: Physics
SciCentral gateway to online science/engineering resources
Fun Science Gallery - Amateur Scientist Sites
New Scientist - Science Keysites
Society for Amateur Scientists (SAS)
Yahoo! Science: Physics
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