Waldie's Seminary Papers & Articles

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Hi! I'm Lance Waldie. I'm the pastor of Harvest Bible Church in Northwest Houston. I am a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, and this site mostly contains the many papers I wrote while attending there.

Much of what is written pertains to the doctrine of our church, so you might find some of it enlightening. You might even find some of it maddening. Feel free to let me know one way or the other. Hope you find the reading worthwhile and thought-provoking.


Papers & Articles

  • What Does it Really Mean to be Spirit-Filled?

  • What Does it Mean When Christians Talk About Fellowship?

  • Are Altar Calls Necessary to Save the Lost?

  • Should I raise my hands during the singing?

  • What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

  • Christ's Death and Resurrection

  • The Plan of Salvation

  • Once Saved, Always Saved?

  • My Testimony of God's Grace

  • Celebrating Christmas

  • The Rapture of the Saints

  • The Issue of Tongues and other Spiritual Gifts

  • The Main Argument in the Book of Revelation

  • The Theology/Christology in Revelation 4 and 5

  • The Bible and Evolution

  • The New Testament View of Women in the Church

  • Luke's Treatment of Women

  • Biblical Roles of Husbands and Wives

  • The Husband of One Wife in Timothy and Titus

  • Old Testament Women

  • The Problem of Legalism

  • The Argument of Paul's letter to Titus

  • A Christology from Colossians

  • The Doctrine of Sanctification

  • The Main Argument in the Epistle to the Hebrews

  • Recipients of the Epistle of Hebrews

  • The Day of Atonement in Hebrews

  • An Exegesis of Romans 12:1-8

  • Biblical Answers for Jehovah's Witnesses

  • Fellowship in First John

  • What Heaven Will Look Like

  • The Problem of Human Suffering

  • Suffering in Peter's Epistles

  • The Doctrine of Election

  • Observing the Sabbath Day

  • Issue of Faith in James

  • An Exegesis of Ephesians 2:11-22

  • The Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew

  • A Textual Problem in Ephesians 2:21

  • A Chart of New Testament Sects

  • A Biblical View of the Doctrine of Hell

  • A Defense of the Trinity to Jehovah's Witnesses

  • The Davidic Covenant

  • The Non-Relativity of Truth

  • Destination/Date of Galatians

  • Date of the Exodus

  • God in the Book of Numbers

  • The Book of Job

  • The Sovereignty of God in Esther

  • Date and Author of the Book of Daniel

  • The Empires of Daniel 2 and 7

  • A Commentary on the Book of Daniel

  • A Devotional Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount

  • A Devotional Commentary on 1 Timothy

  • A Chart of the Old Testament Prophets

  • A Study of the Book of Ruth

  • An Analysis of the Book of Ruth

  • Ruth 2

  • Ruth 3

  • Ruth 4

  • Word Studies in Ruth

  • Exegetical Study of Psalm 30

  • Exegetical Study of Psalm 95

  • Exegetical Study of Isaiah 7

  • Exegetical Study of Isaiah 40

  • Exegetical Study of Isaiah 49

  • UFOnauts

  • Christians and Politics

  • A Look at Some Bible Chronology

  • Story on Sexual Abstinence

  • Is There a Dress Code at Harvest Bible Church?

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    dark_bullet Dallas Theological Seminary

    dark_bullet Dr. John MacArthur

    dark_bullet Probe Ministries

    dark_bullet Biblical Creationism

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