As a photographer for HCJB: The Voice of the Andes, I am always looking for different aspects of Ecuadorian life to photograph.

Ecuador, like every other country has holidays and festivals that provide plenty of photographic opportunities.

This month I would like to share with you some images from the Corpus Cristi celebration at Pujili.

Pujili is located just west of Latacunga in the province of Cotopaxi and is only about 2 hours south of Quito.
The town's Corpus Cristi celebration is the most eleborate in Ecuador and draws thousands of visitors as well as many participants from other areas.

It is a bit difficult to move around though and I found that most of my favorite images were taken before the parade actually started.
At festivals such as these, Ecuadorians like to share drinks with each other. At 6 feet 2inches, I tend to stand out in the crowd and if I'm taking pictures from the street, I am a rather easy target.

Since I do not drink, it takes a bit longer to graciously decline and I did miss getting some good images in the process.

I did receive an Ecuadorian "kiss" after declining a drink from the man pictured here. He left enough black shoe polish on the side of my face to shine several shoes. But the surrounding crowd got a good laugh out of it and people in general seemed a bit more friendly towards me afterward.
The costumes are fun to look at since unusual objects are often used to decorate them.

Besides the traditional peacock feathers, mirrors and coins, this one has Santa Claus,a plastic Easter Bunny and other animals, old lightbulbs and clocks.

Overall it is a very colorful celebration that provides lots of photographic opportunities.

Pujili is also one of the best locations to see the traditional dances and music of Ecuador performed in a true folkloric context.

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