Marco's Futbol Club
Team Bios
Fall 2004

Frank Cannavo
a.k.a. Frankie-Bag-A-Doughuts and Franco
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Chicken
Founder of the Marco's Futbol Club.  Has leanings towards playing with his old club Juventus (Italian Seria A) but likes the control of being team player and owner.  Due to a knee injury which occurred at a Steamers tryout in 1995 Frank did not play soccer for 7 seven years.  The need to create a team and develop soccer in Dubuque forced him off the sidelines and back on the pitch.  He is known for his fabulous touch and ability to make accurate passes.  He is protective of the team as he is protective of his sisters.  In other words he is a man with an iron grip.
Tom White
a.k.a. Vialli, Atlas
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Calzone
Tom is known for is great field presence and physical play.  Was Second Team All State in Iowa 1998.  Has a good shot but can't finish a bicycle.  Often complains about of his shoulder being sore (because he has to carry the team offensively, hence the nickname Atlas) rumors also aobund that Marco's Manager Frank Cannavo's sister Jessica gave him the injury after he tried to quiet her down during a period of post victory excitement.  Has an uncanny ability to win every 50/50 ball, which would help the Marco's team out more if the team could win the second ball.  Has been nominated at Player of the League twice but has yet to win the honor. Was two years with Roma in the Italian League Seria A before Marco's put an offer on the table he could not resist.  As far as everyone else in the world knew, arranged marriages in Italy were against the law.  The question in everyone is asking:  Who will be the blushing bride?  Rumors are abundant.
Randy Fish
a.k.a. Boom
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant:  Fish
Randy is a highly respected player.  This former Iowa High School All Stater was sure starter for Chelsea in the English Premier League.  However, he got married and had a kid.  Wanting to keep his family in the states, he signed one of the largest deals in Dubuque Adult Soccer League history.  Randy is a very efficient player who stays calm and shows the skill of a young Tony Miola (former U.S. goalkeeper).  His vision of the field makes him a threat at all times.  At games, the fan from each side cheer hysterically when this player steps on the field.  Player of the League 1998 and 2003.  Upon being reunited with his brother in the midfield Randy had only one comment. "Keep him out of my way."
Brian Ward
a.k.a. Brian Ward
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant:  Pizza any topping

Brian was picked up after a tryout with the team in the summer season of 2003. He stated that he was overwhelmed by the professionalism of the Marco's club and knew this was a team where he and his skills could be developed and exploited.  He is an outstanding utility player and fills in any position as needed.  He is second in the league for goalies in the category of least goals scored against.  Played one season in Holland for PSV before he showed up for the Marco's open tryouts.

Adam Ballster
a.k.a. Break it like Ballster
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Manicotti

One year for Celtic (Ireland) and this red headed manic was highly sought after but all major clubs, not just futbol but by bouncers of dance clubs as well.  But of course while Real Madrid was going after Beckham, Marco's scored the bigger fish.  Recruiting was further helped when Balster was kicked out of the league for jumping on the back of an opponenet to keep him from scoring.  Known for his off the field antics, the major hope of the Marco's team is that he will be able to play on game day.  Balster is a solid defender and makes few mistake.  When asked to describe his play, Larson of Celtic stated "he is like Iceman from Top Gun, he doesn't make any mistakes, he wears you out, and then takes you out."

Ryan Barrett

a.k.a.  Tenacious D
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Cannelloni
Another defender who is not afraid to take the ball coast to coast and score.  A solid player who was on loan from  Ajax (Holland) and liked it so much in Dubuque he stayed.  His strong D allows Van Cleve the ability to wander forward with no hesitation or warning.  Ryan has a quiet manner about him on the field but is an impact player who is determined to keep the ball out of the Marco's half at all costs.  Been quoted as saying "I am just happy to be a part of the Marco's experience."

Chad Van Cleve
a.k.a. chadallac, cleve, clevearello, and MVC
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Hot Spaghetti
Van Cleve has been compared to the Legendary Dutch forward Bergkamp.  The only difference, Van Cleve plays defense and isn't as good. He left Manchester United (English Primer League) stating "Since Becks and Posh were gone, all the cameras seemingly turned to me and my wife to fill the media void.  The press is so intrusive in our lives." Refering to the late night calls that wake his wife Jennifer."The wierd thing is why are they calling us?  We are teachers."  Playing with various teams in the Dubuque Soccer League, he was one of the first contacted by Frank for the Marco's club.  Speed, like the force for Luke Sky walker is his ally.  He works well as a stopper for the Marco's D, but is always looking to create opportunities to score some goals.
Tony White
a.k.a. Pink Toes
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Pesto
Although no relation to Tom White you wouldn't know it when these two work up top together and pick apart any defensive formation that opponents throw at them.  Tony is known for is great follow up ability and ensuring that the ball will find the back of the net.  The hope of Marco's is that the ball goes through the goal and not up and over the goal with the ball landing on the outside of the back of the net.  Tony had a short stint with the Italian National Team but when it was found out that he was not Italian, he was not only kicked off the National team but also InterMilan.  Coming back to Dubuque, he was instrumental in starting and managing the Dubuque Adult Soccer League as a whole.  Fans the world over have given praise for his work in creating a league that is second only to the World Cup in television coverage and ratings.
Tyler Knopp
a.k.a. (TBA)
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: It's all good
Tyler the zealot of soccer for the U.S.A.  If he wasn't playing in the U.S. no one would be.  Tyler by himself and of course with the rest of his team have been known to win a game or two, not with skill, not with tactics, not with superior conditioning, but they have won with pure passion.  The energy for that passion is Tyler.  Although not considered the Pele of the Dubuque Adult Soccer League he is still a player that makes his presence known when he decides to plan instead of going out on the river to catch some rays. 
Steve Fish
a.k.a. Steve-O
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Tacos
Tacos at Marcos?  When your Steve Fish, you get what you want.  Steve was called back into service after the 2004 Spring season.  Frank wanted changes and he wanted to add to his list of legendary players.  Steve had been a fan of Marco's for a while and was easily brought over from Real Madrid (La Liga) when given the chance to take over the Marco's midfield with his brother Randy.  These two seem to operate in perfect sync.  It took Steve a while to get match fit, he was not used to the high intensity of the DASL as compared to European professional soccer.  Once the shape was back, he was able to help propel the Marco's team to the top of the league once more.
Josh Nagle
a.k.a. Josh
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Baked Spaghetti
A happy go lucky rock-n-roll kind of guy.  He will play keep but does a great job on the field as well.  He never complaines about hard play or if he is illeagley taken out.  Truely on of the most gracious players the game of soccer has ever witnessed.  He is part of the up and comming youth that Marco's is developing and exploiting to maintain a competive place in the DASL.  This kid gave up alot to play for Marco's, a schalorship to play for NC State but Marco's has a way of making those opportunities look like child's play when you see the big pictures and you take a tour through the tropy room.
Greg White
a.k.a. Herb
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Whatever they let him make
He is no relation to Tom White and is reluctant to accept his relationshiip to his brother Tony who he is now teamed.   Greg  was brought to Marco's for one reason and one reason only, he is by far in the best shape of any player in the league.  He can run for hours.  He often chastises opponets when they want to get a half time rest.  He can often be seen running a few laps and doing some push ups at half time.  Manager Frank Cannavo stated "he is a great pick up for the Marco's franchise, he works great in the kitchen and is responsible.  He plays a decent game of soccer, I just don't want to lose him to recording cotract and see his face on Mtv or something.  Without him, we might not have enough players to play."
J.C. Weber
a.k.a.  Clean Sheet 
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Pizza 
J.C. looks to be a consitant keeper for the Marco's side.  Having only one goal scored against him in the 2004 Summer season was a definate advantage for the Marco's team once he got the start.  He communicates well with the D and has no problem communicating with the referees as well.  Unfortunalely that tends to result in a yellow card.  Despite the cards, Marco's is overjoyed to have someone of J.C.'s calibre.  His work with the U.S. National team has helped him develop into the type of player that Marco's needs.  Basically one that will show up.
Shad Joshnson
a.k.a. (TBA)
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Pizza

One of the most talked about players to enter the league.  He feigns the lime light but it always finds him.  When the goal is needed he will get it.  When the cross is needed, he will get it.  When a rest is needed, he will take it.  He fit in well with the Marco's group and feels they are lucky to have him.  His skill level allows him to play up top or as midfielder.  Another player with exploitable resources.  Despite all that he comes with there are still some concerns.  "I thought long and hard before I signed him.  We needed his style of play but he has ties to ISU.  That can be bad real bad.  I believe that is why Bayren got rid of him." said the Marco's manager Frank Cannavo.

Eric Rupp
a.k.a. Man of Steel or Hands of Stone (We Forget) 
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: What his fiance allows him to eat.
Rupp, what can a team say about a guy like him.  Sure they could lie and say some good things but the morals of the Marco's squad would not allow that.  They are an honest team so here it is, the truth about the Goalie of Steel.  His cat like reflexes, his speed off the line, his graceful acrobatics make him seem as though he is from a different planet.  That's half true.  Rupp is from one of the moons near Uranus.  That's right laugh.  The Marco's management pulled this guy out of the interstellar league to fill the large hole at the end of the field (the goal).  He is the total package as stated before and when not in goal, he is always making a run for the league scoring title. 
Dan Johnson
a.k.a. DJ 
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Comes in a bottle
A new acqusition to the already legendary Marco's squad.  This team became even more eclectic with Dan.  A real hard hitter and definitely skilled.  He owns any player that challenges him.  His time with Bayren Munchen was short lived due to problems with locals.  They liked his play but not is off the field antics.  Dan is a player and there are only so many women in Munchen.  Welcome to Marco's then, they have no morals, values, or standards to live up to.  DJ has been heard to say, I like it at Marco's, I would drive 1000 miles at 100 miles an hour after a late night to make the game on time.  That is commitment, Marco's style! 
Allen Arzu
a.k.a. Allen, Guatamalan God
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Light Salad, maybe some bread
Allen came directly to Marco's via Guatamala, after livinging in seveal different areas around the U.S. for several years.  As the first graduate of the Guatamalan Soccer Academy he is the standard by which all young Guatamalan boys judge their own ability.  He has played for several MLS teams but now will enter the greatest arena for soccer.  Allen was ready and able, Marco's was willing. 
Scott Mortson 
a.k.a. Mort
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Grilled Cheese 
Another new member to the Marco's team, he came out of retirement this year to help energize the team.  A veteran and former member of the Cosmos, Mort is the perfect merge of Pele and Beckenbauer.  Skill and flair took him through tryouts right to the Marco's bench.  Mort's coming out of hiding has cause a wave of enthusiasm worldwide.  Some chess enthusiasts have said Mort's reemergence is just like when Bobby Fisher came out of hiding and beat that Russian dude. 
a.k.a. There is only Oscar
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Pizza
There are few people who have such acclaim that you only have to say one name and you know who everyone is talking about.  For Marco's that is Oscar, he is in the same department as other one namers, Prince, Jordan, Babe, Madonna, Dahmer, and Osama.  The question isn't why did Marco's pick up this superstar, the question is how could Marco's afford to.  Investigations on money launderying are currently underway.  Oscar is a great utility player for Marco's which will once again hope to have enough people at each game to have subs. 

Dan Wurst
a.k.a. Golden Child
Favorite Food From Marco's Restaurant: Pizza with sausage and extra cheese
Dan is one of the first youngsters to come up through the Marco's system.  His talent was spotted at an early age, rumor has it recruiting began at conception.  He knows only Marco's and it is as if Marco's owns him.  Investigations on Marco's involvement in slavery are pending.  Dan's success is a tribute to the Marco's dedication to soccer and winning.  What does that mean, I don't know.  Just know that Dan plays for Marco's and if Marco's isn't your favorite team then you won't like Dan.
The Ncxt order of Business for Marco's