Stories Index

Hi, it's me Jessi. Here's the stories we have so far. I'm only in the first one, but the others are cool too. Just click on a title....

Irish Ghosts (Dublin)

This one's all 'bout me an' my trip to Dublin. It's from Angel Dance, which is all angelic and stuff. You'll like it.

Florence, 1501 (San Francisco)

Oh my friend Elsie is in this one! She's so cool. My twin. So Max is all falling asleep, while Elsie tells him 'bout the total history of sculpture. And he sees Michaelangelo in his dream. But it's Elsie who's really the coolest sculptor. From the Misadventures of Max....

22-Fillmore (San Francisco)

This one's from the Autumn and Cindy novel, Flaws and Desires. But it's only got Autumn. She meets this old jazz musician on the 22-Fillmore bus. And they talk about bebop.

No Use For Time (San Francisco)

This is my favorite Elsie story. And it takes place in my favorite coffee shop in San Francisco, Caffe Trieste, which is just above Chinatown in North Beach.

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