About Me
Hi!  I'm a mid-forties, (feeling more like mid-thirties) single mother of 3 children.  2 of which are girls in the upper ranges of the affliction of teenhood and a son, 11, born with Down syndrome. 

The last 11 years have been a challenge.  Handling my son's medical concerns alone (with some support of my parents) was a nightmare for me and my two girls.  He was born without an esophogus and went through several surgeries.  He also was born with an ASD (artrial septal defect) that eventually healed over.  He also ended up being hospitalized with pneumonia several times and there were a couple times I wasn't sure he was going to make it.  Especially when he had his surgery to create his esophogus at 9 mos.  Now he's a vibrant 11 yr old boy with an approximate mentality of a 3 year old.  Generally happy and much more healthy.  He still feeds through a G-tube, but the worst of his health concerns really are mostly asthsma and his ears.  Otherwise he's a lot of fun.

In the midst of all this was a bad marriage and my oldest child on drugs.  For her sake I won't post anything about her situation, but discussion is available via private email. 

My 2nd daughter is something different.  Reserved and kind, showing no desire for that other lifestyle.  She wanted to go to college to become one of those "CSI guys", but now wants to pursue something she can create with her hands...not sure what. Eventually she would love to visit Austrailia.

Regardless of the differences in my kids, I love them all and die a little each day for them.  They will always come before me.

Currently I am working as a customer service rep. Most recently I was working as a home health aide. I was in love all my clients, they were like family to me.  However, I had to pursue employment that would better supplement my education. I graduated Hamilton College in Urbandale, IA and have my national certification. I am also currently enrolled at Phoenix Online University to pursue a bachelor's degree in Health Care Administration. I am a memeber of the AAMA (American Association of Medical Assistants) and a member of the Christian Church.  I have active in various choirs.  I have composed a few songs (but have a hard time know how to write them down).  For the moment, the choirs are my only active hobby.  There are several things I enjoy.  I'm not an outdoors person in the way of hiking or anything, but I do like being outdoors for the scenery and the wildlife.  Food is a weakness.  I like movies and when I watch TV I'm more likely to watch something fun and entertaining as a form of escape.

So...that's about it, I think. 
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