Dragon Training Field

As you venture out of the lair, you come upon a lovely field. Upon taking a deep breath of fresh air, you decide to soak up some sunlight. The air is a bit chilly this time of year, as winter frost is settled, glistening beautifully, over the field. As you continue to enjoy the field, your relaxation is interrupted by a soft voice.

The voice seems to be coming from a young woman, who approaches you with a smile. "Lovely, isn't it? I am Juliana, caretaker of Hunters. What is a Hunter, you ask? Why, look out in the field and you shall see, there is one wandering around somewhere." She motions with her hand and you spot the quick movement of a smallish creature. "That is a Hunter."

"You may also spot an even smaller creature, that is a Merkit, isn't it lovely? This little Rainbow-Hued Merkit is Aeris' Opal. He is quite friendly." And as she says this, the little Merkit scurries over to sniff at your leg, then rubs against you briefly. "He seems to like you quite a lot, perhaps you should adopt one of your own."
"This Hunter and this Merkit hail from the Kingdom of Mystia. Would you like to adopt one of your own? Then please, follow me."

Upon speaking these words, the young lady leads you towards what appears to be some glowing magical portal. "Just click on the link below and you will be teleported to Mystia. Farewell, my friend, until we meet again!"

Portal to Mystia Kingdom

Towards the Pasture