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My mother, Margaret Fazekas, was born in Miskolc, Hungary on May 03, 1900 and her maiden name was Duncsak Margita. The oldest child of Duncsak Janos and Duncsak (Duranyi) Ilona, she came to America through Ellis Island in 1922 and spent a few years in Cleveland, Ohio, where she met my father, Frank Fazekas. They married, started their family and moved to Detroit, Michigan where they raised 5 Children; Gabriel, Eleanor, Frank, Margaret and Gerald.

To view a copy of my mother's birth certificate Click HERE.

An Elementary School Certificate issued to my mother in 1913 for successfully completing grammar school is attached. She entered the Miskolcz School at age 7 and graduated at age 13. The document also states that her native tongue
was Hungarian and that she was Greek Catholic.
To view Click HERE

To view her passport click HERE
My mother's Passport photo was issued through Uzhorod, Republic of Czechoslovaka
July 21, 1922

To view her First Communion Certificate click HERE
Issued May 05, 1910 in Beregszaszban, Hungary.

To view her Certificate of Citizenship click HERE
issue October 3, 1930.

The Duncsak Link is dedicated to my mother, her family and relatives throughout Europe and the United States of America. It was developed through the efforts of many, many people, namely Frank Kurchina, Beth Long, Balogh Istvan and Zlatica Beca, all Internet friends and wonderful helpers. My brother, Jerry Fazekas, my daughter-in-law, Julia Fazekas (David's wife and Ashley's mom), my cousin Oscar Duncsak of Budapest, Hungary, his parents and relatives throughout Europe. Everyone's contributions are included below.
Take a moment and meet my extended family. I hope you enjoy the site and please sign the guestbook.

Picture postcard of Miskolc, Hungary (my mother's birth-place) postmarked in Miskolc, Hungary December 07, 1921, addressed to my mother, Duncsak Margita at her address then in Ungvar, Czechoslovakia. My mother left for America soon after this date. Sender not identified.

Picture of Uzhorod,(Ungvar) Czechoslovaka 1923.
Home town of Duncsak Margita, my mother.

Ungvar, Czechoslovaka. postcard sent to my mother at her address in Cleveland, Ohio. Backside of postcard not legible Circa 1927-1931

Marriage license of Grandparents Duncsak Janos and Duranyi Ilona, in Miskolc, Hungary.

My Mother's Parents

Duranyi Ilona
my mother's mother
year unknown

My grandfather Duncsak Janos, my mother's father.
My mother's sister, Anna (Ancika),is also present in this photo
Children are Andras (Bandi) Toth, and Eva Szlavec, children of Magdolna (Magda), another sister of my mother.
No dates available

Needlework (embroidery/handanger) made by Ilona (Duranyi)Duncsak, my grandmother and my mother's mom.
Ilona Duranyi born 1878 - died 1945.
We believe this was made sometime between 1894 -1900 when she married.
This needlework was given to her son Peter, my mother's brother, and he in turn gave it to his daughter Kamila (Duncsak) Bucek.
Kamila sent this beautiful work to me via her husband,Milan in October 2004 .

Picture and coment by Duncsak Attila.
This photo was taken in 1906.
The woman with a kerchief on her head is my grandmother - Duranyi Ilona.
In front of her on the left (wearing a long gown) is Duncsak Janos Jr. (Attila & Arpad's father),
and the little girl on the right is Margita. (My mother)
The other woman standing is a relative of my Grandmother.

My mother's father, Duncsak Janos at age 86
His grandson is Adras Toth, Magda's son. Date 1956.

To view the Ancestors of Margita Duncsak and her siblings click HERE

Duncsak, Margita...(1900-2000)

Margita Duncsak 1921. Ungvar, Hungary.

My mother, Margit Duncsak. circa 1922, France. Waiting for the ship to USA.

My mother, Margita Duncsak, 1923, Cleveland, Ohio.

My mother, Margita Duncsak.

My mother, Margit Duncsak, with her brother, Janos, and sister Anna. Circa 1913/1914

To view other photos of my mother click HERE.

My Mother's Family

Picture and comments by Duncsak Attila
This photo was taken in 1959. Your mother's sisters and brothers are sitting in the middle row (from left to right): Magdaolna, Laszlo, Peter, in the middle our grandfather,Duncsak, Janos, next is my father, Janos Jr. Ilona and Anna. I am the tallest boy in the upper row.
Absent from photo
Grandmother Ilona -deceased 1945
Margita left for America 1922
Pista was in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic at time of photo

Top left to right:Toth, Andras; Szlavec, Miska; Duncsak, Boriska; Duncsak, Ilona; Duncsak, Attila; Duncsak, Kamila; Tomori, Peter; Tomori, Jolon; Tomori, Eva; and Duncsak, Janosne.
Middle row is same as photo on left with addition of Peter's daughter, Duncsak, Beatrix sitting on her fathers knee.
bottom row, left to right: Tomori, Katlin; Szlavec, Eva; Duncsak, Laszlo; Tomori Ilona;and Duncsak, Judit;
Identication made by Tomori Eva of Budapest, Hungary, daughter of my mothers sister, Ilona (Duncsak) Tomori

Janos Duncsak, (1902-1979)

To view Janos Duncsak Family Tree click HERE

Duncsak Janos 1902-1979
Father of Attila, Arpad and Pali
Brother to Margit Duncsak (Margaret Fazekas).

Self-protrait of Janos Duncsak 1923

Janos Duncsak. September 26, 1923. Uzhorod, Czechoslovakia.

Janos Duncsak, top left and his fiancee Margit Kahan, next to Janos on a picnic. Date not known

Family Protrait - Janos Duncsak & his wife Margit with their 3 sons.- Left to right, Attila, Arpad and Pali. Young child is Robert, son of Pali. Circa 1960

To see Janos Duncsak's children and grandchildren click HERE

To see Frank and Janet Visit Slovakia, click HERE

Stefan Duncsak, (Pista) - (1912-1990)

To view Stefan Duncsak family tree click HERE

Wedding Day for Robert Duncsak and Anna Zeman.
Pista Duncsak is standing next to his son and his wife Anna, is seated in front of him.
Father of the bride, Stefan Zeman is next to his daughter and Frida Zeman is seated in front.
August 02, 1974

Wedding Day for Ilona (Duncsak) Divis and Peter Divis.
Pista Duncsak is standing next to his daughter, with Anna Duncsak, his wife, seated in front of them.
Father of the groom, Mr. Divis standing next to his son while his wife, Marie Divis is seated.
June 26, 1970

This is Stefan (Pista) Duncsak (Pista nickname for Stefan)
Pista had three children, Ilona, Krista, and Robert.
The woman in the photo is Anna his wife
The child is either a grandchild or their own, not really certain.
Pista lived in Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

This again is Pista and his wife, Anna, and grandchildren.
The child with the blond hair, closest to Pista is Dagmar, daughter of Kristina (Duncsak)
and her husband, Franz Malina
The other child is Ilona, daughter of
Ilona (Duncsak) and her husband Petr Divis

To see Stefan & Anna Duncsak's children and grandchildren click HERE

To see Frank and Janet visit to the Czech Republic HERE

Anna Duncsak, (1909- )

Anna Duncsak, my mother's sister, born 1909.
date of photo not known

Anna Duncsak, my mother's sister. Date 1928, in Ungvar.
Information on back states "to my dear sister from Ancy"
Identification and interpretation by Oscar Duncsak

Anna Duncsack, 1929.

Duncsak, Ilona (1911-1981)

To view Ilona (Duncsak)Tomory Family Tree click HERE

Tomori Family-Kristina, Ilona (my mother's sister),Ilona (Bobby), Peter Tomori, Jolan, standing Eva

Ilona Tomori daughter of Ilona (Duncsak) Tomori
Ilona Tomori is my mother's sister.br>No date on photo.

Ilona Tomori 1980.

Eva Tomori with Frank. Budapest
Sept 2003

Eva Tomori with Georgina Bogadi, (daughter of Jolon Tomori)
and Frank Fazekas. Budapest, Sept 2003.

Ilona (Bobby)Tomori and her husband Gyula Szoke...1971.

Attila & Zsolt Szoke, sons of Ilona (Bobby Tomori)
& her husband Gyula Szoke

Back of Attila & Zsolt picture

Tamas Duncsak, Attila's son with Georgina Bogadi, daughter of Jolon Tomori.
Budapest, Sept 2003.

Duncsak, Peter (1913-1983)

To view Peter Duncsak Family Tree click HERE

Peter Duncsak, at job-site-No Date.

Peter Duncsak as young man, 1929

To see Peter Duncsak's children and grandchildren click HERE

Magdolna Duncsak, (1920-2001)

Eva Szlavec, daughter of Magdolna (Duncsak) Szlavec. 1966.

Laszlo Duncsak, (1922-1974)

Laszlo with Magdolna in Beregszasz circa 1924.

Laszlo Duncsak with daughter Judith and husband 1972.

Lazslo's Judith 2 girls Orsi and Szcley-Budapest

The Fazekas Family
Sons The Boys Family
Friends Relatives
Fazekas' in Hungary Duncsak

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