Title: Christmas Help
Author: Phox
Email: jettphox@yahoo.com
Author's Note: This has mention of JD's puppy from my fic Sins of the Father. In case you're wondering what kind of dog it is, it's a Mastiff.
Rating/Warnings: G
Type: Drabble, Christmas Challenge
Universe: LB-ATF

Christmas Help

“JD!” came Buck’s deep voice from the living room.

“Shhh…” JD whispered to Maddie.

Footsteps grew louder then stopped in front of the coffee table. “Jonathan Daniel Dunne, out, NOW, and bring your accomplice too!”

Slowly JD crawled out holding the large puppy in his arms.


Sighing JD quietly answered, “We was jus’ helping.”

Buck tried to look mad, but it was hard staring at the two covered in tinsel. What really brought the grin to his face was the blinking lights attached to Maddie’s tail and the tree, now toppled over in the living room.

“Oh, Lil’ Bit,” Buck sighed.

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