
Pam and Digger,Boating. Animation by Bishshat The Norfolk Broads, a personal view

My love of the Broads was kindled in 1963 when my Father took us on a weeks holiday on a boat from the now extinct Cobholm Boatyard located on the edge of Breydon Water. The boat was a 4 berth named 'Breydon Lady II' and was powered by a 2 cylinder Stuart Turner diesel engine, you can imagine what the vibration was like when it was opened up!

My Father at Stalham Staithe

My Father 'the Captain' at Stalham Staithe, River Ant.

A week didn't seem long enough so we vowed to return the next year which we did in May 1964 and in colour!


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breydon lady 2

' Breydon Lady II ' at Summercraft Boatyard, Wroxham, River Bure. June 1963.

The Crew

"The Crew" my Mother, my sister Sue & me plus Tim the Jack Russell.

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