Note: Read my Fanfic titled "Time" first, or this will make no sense to you.


by JAG

Chaos is necessary for life. Without chaos, there is nothing. It makes us feel. Justifies our existence. Makes us truly alive. For as long as life exists, chaos ensues.

Relena looked out the window of her room. Actually, the room Romefeller had put her in. It was a nice room. In one corner, she had a large canopied bed, and all about the room, furniture of the finest make and luxury were placed. The servants that carried her meals to her were polite and called her Princess Relena, and the meals were even good. Yet, she was a prisoner in all but name. She was not to leave the Romefeller headquarters and even had to have an escort whenever she took a stroll on the grounds.
Yes, she was a prisoner, but prisoners can still talk. Just this morning she had spoken with Romefeller leaders about her peace proposals. They would not listen yet, rather, they pretended to listen as a pleasentry to "Princess Relena" and went on with their other discussions. She believed, however, that she could still change their minds about their new war plans.
'If only Duke Dermail didn't have so much influence over them,' she thought, 'They don't seem to realize that they're being led like pack animals.' Truly, they listened to every word he said as if he were God himself. Relena meant to change that before her time here was through. She knew that if she outlived her usefulness to Romefeller, it wouldn't be for long, and she would lose the small influence she already had.
The Sanc Kingdom had fallen and had been put under control of a mysterious man named Mandron. For some reason, he had seemed insistent upon it to Duke Dermail. She had overheard their discussion on the matter. What Mandron wanted so badly from the Sanc Kingdom, Relena had no idea, but now that he had it, he didn't seem to care. Even now, Mandron was still at Romefeller HQ taking his time on readying his departure. It just didn't make any sense.
She heard the door behind her open. Turning from the window, she saw Dorothy enter.
"Ms. Relena, I'm so sorry you could not go through with your plans for peace," Dorothy said, and Relena half believed her.
"That's ok, Dorothy," Relena replied, "I'm not done with my plans yet. There's still a chance."
"A chance for what?" Dorothy said mockingly.
"There's still a chance of making the world a peaceful place once again," Relena told her, ignoring the sarcasm.
"So you still haven't given up your foolish quest for peace." It was more statement than question, but Relena decided to answer it anyways.
"No, Dorothy, I haven't," Relena sighed before going on, "And I won't as long as I still live..."
Dorothy broke into Relena's answer, "Then you truly are stupid. How can you believe that you will ever succeed? You are a prisoner, Princess Relena. You have no power or influence whatsoever."
Relena let Dorothy finish her ranting before going on, "That as it may be, Dorothy, while I still live, I still have a chance. The Romefeller leaders will listen soon. I know they will."
Dorothy looked a little shocked, '"My grandfather warned me about that fiery spirit you have before I left to study under you. Warned me not to get caught up in your quest."
"Your grandfather's a very smart man, Dorothy."

Heero crouched behind the sparse brush that littered the land around the castle that served as the Romefeller HQ. He surveyed the guardposts that were numerous along the walls. Right now, few of them were occupied. 'Romefeller's getting lazy,' he thought, 'They think that they have the entire world under their control and do not need protection.'
He heard a small noise beside him. Pulling his gun and swinging around, he ended up with it pointed at Duo's face, millimeters from pulling the trigger. "Why do you keep following me?" he said, lowering the gun but not putting it away.
"Because you need help with this one. The other pilots and I agreed that this is crazy, but we also decided it was necessary. Just as you did, I take it," Duo had lost his joking tone and taken up a more serious one. He had a look of determination on his face that only appaered during battle.
Heero stared at him for a while. Trying to see through him. Trying to see if Duo could be trusted. Finally he put away the gun. "I don't think it'll be that hard," he said as he gestured at the castle wall, "Look at the defense they've put up."
Duo let out a his breathe in relief and looked at the castle, "I know, I saw that as I was sneaking up on you. Romefeller's not too smart, are they?"
"No, they aren't," Heero said as he shook his head, "There's nothing we can do here now. Let's go back to the camp I set up and plan."
"Ok," Duo agreed.
"Oh, by the way, Duo..."
Don't sneak up on me, it's not smart."
Duo didn't know whether to laugh or be afraid.

Mandron took a stroll through the halls of Romefeller HQ. Although it was the middle of the night, he had been unable to sleep for a while now. Not that he needed sleep. He could go for days without and sometimes had to. There was a problem this time, and he wasn't sure what it was. It was something bugging him in the back of his mind. Driving him insane. He would do something about this problem, if he knew what it was. He had no problems now, everything was perfect for him. He had his the Sanc Kingdom. He had his wealth and power. What could it be?
Suddenly he realized that he had stopped outside the door to Relena's room. It had something to do with that girl, he realized. 'But how can she be any trouble to me now? She's not even free to act anymore,' he thought, 'I've had my revenge on the Sanc Kingdom, what else could I do? Duke Dermail would not allow me to dispose of her.'
As he stood there, he realized what was wrong, 'I don't have my revenge yet. She still lives, and so does her brother.' Keeping this revelation in mind, he went back to his room to plan.

Dorothy was also up late, but she had other reasons. Walking to her gradfather's door, she entered without knocking.
"What the...? Dorothy? What are you doing her?" came Duke Dermail's sleepy voice from his large bed.
"We have a problem, Grandfather..."
"You're right that we have a problem, but it's more like your problem. You see, I need my sleep. I have a very important conference in the morning, and if you don't leave in three seconds, I'm going to kick you out of the castle and disown you. Do you hear me?" Duke Dermail was shouting by the time he finished.
"Yes, Grandfather," Dorothy replied, meekly, "But...
"Three... Two..."
Dorothy virtually ran out the door. 'What is wrong with me?' she thought, 'I shouldn't be scared of him. He's my grandfather. It looks like I'll have to figure this one out by myself, though.'
She turned a corner and ran right into Mandron. "OW!" she yelled as she fell to the ground.
"Oh! Ms. Catalonia! I'm so sorry!" he exclaimed as he helped her up, "What are you doing up so late? You need you're sleep you know?"
"I could ask the same of you, Mandron," she stated, making a mental note not to answer any of his questions.
"I just needed a walk to help me get to sleep."
She could tell he was lying, "I find it hard to sleep while walking so fast, Mandron."
"Well... Um... I must get back to bed, Ms. Catalonia," he said as he waked off.
'I wouldn't trust him as much as my grandfather does. There's something strange about that man,' she thought as she continued down the hall to her own room.

"We have to get her out of there," Quatre said, looking at the large shadow that was the Romefeller HQ. There was no question as to who he meant.
"Personally, I don't see why you're making such a big deal over a woman," Wufei retorted, showing his usual prejudices. He had only said that twenty times that night.
"She may be the only one who can turn the world in the right direction," commented Duo.
"Yes, but how are we going to get her out of there? She's a prisoner and can easily be used as a hostage if we use force when trying to get her out," it was equivalent to a speech from Trowa.
"I already told you that we can just break straight into her room if we knew where it was," Heero said, staring at the darkened castle as if he could see which room through the walls.
"I may be able to help with that," came a voice from the darkness. Five guns were drawn and aimed at the voice together.
"Relax, it's just me," said Milliardo, stepping into the firelight. Four guns went down, but Heero's remained.
"Why should we trust you? You ran as soon as Relena surrendered," Heero said, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
"I didn't run. I came here because I knew it would do more good. I was here when they brought Relena in, and I know in which room they put her," Milliardo said, pleased with himself.
"Fine, then. Tell me and leave," Heero said, putting his gun down.
"I don't believe that to be a good idea. You're too mad at Romefeller. You might try something dangerous or stupid..."
The gun was back in Milliardo's face, "Watch who you call stupid," he said, threat literally permeated his voice.
"Ok, ok. What I meant was that you obviously have feelings for my si..."
Heero started to pull the trigger.
"Fine, I give up. Go. She's in the top floor, middle room. Try not to get yourself killed. As if that'll do you any good."
"I think we all should go, Heero," Quatre said.
"No, Quatre, I'll have more of a chance of success if I go alone," replied Heero, getting up and starting to get his supplies ready.
"I hate to admit it, but he's right," Milliardo said, "We should stay here and get ready for our escape. We may have to do it quickly."

Relena woke to a sound from outside her bedroom door. She got up and moved to a position beside the door and waited for whoever it was who kept such late hours to come through. The door opened slowly, whoever it was coming in wanted to make sure it was quietly. Relena braced herself and jumped on the person creeping through the door.
"OW!" came Dorothy's voice from under her.
"Dorothy! I'm so sorry," Relena said, scrambling to get off of her, "What are you doing up so late?"
"Ms. Relena, I was thinking about what you said earlier about not giving up. I couldn't sleep because of it. I kept thinking about your ideals and your determination, and I realized that I have nothing in my life to equal that," by the end, Dorothy had started to cry.
"What are you saying, Dorothy?" Relena asked.
"I'm saying that...," her voice caught, "I'm saying, Ms. Relena, I want to help you."
"Are you sure, Dorothy? You will be risking a lot helping me. Even your life."
"Ms. Relena, I've never held any life at all in high regard, not even my own."
"Well, if you're going to help me, that'll have to change."
"A lot has already changed for me, Ms. Relena," Dorothy said with a weak smile.
"Well expect a lot more to change," Mandron said from the doorway, holding a gun on them, "Ms. Catalonia, I'm surprised to find you here. I thought you were smarter than this. What would your grandfather think?"
"I don't know, I think we should find out. He may not like you holding a gun on me. Let's call him on over here."
"Shutup," said Mandron, aiming the gun at her.
"Interesting. You don't have authorization from my grandfather to kill Relena. When did you start acting on your own, Mandron?"
"That's enough, Dorothy. Mandron, what do you want? You already have my country," Relena broke into their argument.
"Oh, there is a lot more. You see, I need my revenge on your pitiful little country and your family. I want you dead," Mandron told her.
"Revenge? What has my family done to merit revenge from you?"
"That's enough of your questions. You die now!" he yelled. Suddenly, he stopped. Looking at his chest, he saw a red stain start to grow on his shirt. His eyes rolled up as he fell to the floor.
Confused, Relena looked at Dorothy and saw her holding a still-smoking gun. "Dorothy, you've killed him," Relena almost screamed.
"It had to be done, Ms. Relena. Would you rather have died first?"
"Not especially, but that was not necessary."
"Yes it was, Ms. Relena. He would not have backed down or hesitated another second to kill you."
"Dorothy, if you're going to help me, you'll have to change a lot."
"Catalonia! Relena, get out of the way," Heero yelled from the window, a gun trained on Dorothy.
Relena jumped, 'Why do people keep sneaking up on me?' she thought. Aloud, she said, "No, Heero, she's my friend now."
"How can you trust someone's that done what she has?"
"Because I can see that she has changed, Heero," Relena said, "Can't you see it, Heero?"
Heero looked at Dorothy for a long time. "Fine, at any rate, niether of you will lie through this one. I say we get out of here before Dermail gets soldiers down on our heads. He had to have heard that gunshot."
"Ok," Relena said, "Come on, Dorothy, you're as guilty of this as I am."
"Let's go," Heero yelled as he ran out the door. Relena and Dorothy followed close behind.

Milliardo and the Gundam pilots had their carrier trucks ready when they heard the alarm sounded inside the castle.
'Crap!!' thought Duo as he was loading his Gundam, 'He's really done it this time.'
"Ok, everybody, get ready. They should be back soon," Milliardo called from his carrier. True enough, three shapes could be seen running towards the transports.
"Three?" questioned Quatre, "Who'd they bring?"
"Catalonia?" said Milliardo, peering through the darkness, "What's Heero thinking?"
Running up to the carriers, Heero told them the story as he readied his mobile suit carrier. Everyone agreed that Dorothy was a dangerous risk, but Relena said hat they should trust her.
"We don't have time for this anyways," Heero called from his carrier, "I say we just take her and work this out later." Dorothy climbed into the carrier with Milliardo who insisted on searching her for weapons first. Relena decided to get into the truck Heero was driving.
"Where do we go now?" he asked as she climbed in beside him.
"That seems to be a familiar question, Heero," Relena joked, "Heero, you're laughing!"
As Heero finished laughing, his face turned red. "No I wasn't," he muttered.

Back at the castle, Mandron's eyes opened...

Chaos destroys. Chaos rebuilds. Choas makes the life worth living. Things change, but chaos remains. Oh, the wonders of chaos...

To be continued...

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Gundam Wing. Those belong to the good people at Asahi TV and the Sotsu Agency. No lawsuits, please.
Thanks to Grant, Becky, Lisa and Ruza for their support. Things are better when they're around.