Disclaimer: Gundam wing is not mine, never has been mine and never will be mine. But I can dream! ^_^

Notes: Hey! I got a couple of complaints from you guys saying you didn't understand some of the Japanese I used. So, next to all the Japanese words there is a number in parenthesis, if you will scroll down to the bottom of the story, you'll find all the definitions. Okay, I'll shut up now so you can read the story.

Modern Magic

By: Crystalite

Part Two

Treize leaned back in his chair looking out the huge picture window at the back of his office. It truly was a beautiful day outside. So bright and peaceful.

"Cornell Treize!" A monitor beside him suddenly turned on showing the face of Lady Une.

Treize looked to the screen. "Yes?"

"One of our bases was destroyed last night!" She reported.

"By a gundam?"

"No, it was no mobile suit, sir. It looks like it was blown apart from the inside out." Lady Une turned her head and yelled instructions to someone out of Trezie's view. "We've lost every thing there."

"Which base was it?"

"The base in Taipu, sir."

Treize bowed his head. "Everything is gone now?"

"Yes, sir."

Trezie sighed.

"Something the matter?" Lady Une asked looked concerned and confused all at the same time.

"That base was holding something for me." Trezie said.

Lady Une nodded pausing for a moment before her image faded from the screen. Treize raised his gaze back to the window. The sun was still shining but even as he looked it disappeared behind a cloud. 'The day looked so bright a moment ago, now it doesn't.' He paused for a moment as the sun returned. 'I just hope the colonies don't get hold of it.'

* * * * *

The door slammed as a very tired looking Duo dragged himself inside and fell into the overstuff chair. "I am NEVER going to have kids." He vowed.

Quatre looked up at him from the computer where he was working. "Really?"

"Hai(1), He has way too much energy to burn."

"Well, I did warn you about giving him sugar..."

"But I didn't think it would be THAT bad, jeez, I mean, it's not like I work with little kids a lot. How was I to know?" Duo protested from where he remained slumped in the comfy recliner. "And how come I have to baby-sit him when you guys get to just play around?"

"Because it's your fault he's like this," Wufei announced walking into the room. "And we're not playing around, we're trying to figure out where that book might be."

"It is NOT my fault! I didn't know the freaking thing was going to work! And how hard can it be to find a book? I mean it gave you a map-"

"An ancient map!" Wufei cut him off. "Do you realize just how old it is? There's probably a city built on top of this place! And we still can't decide where this land even is!"

"If there's a city built on top of it, then how'd OZ come up with the first book?" Duo persisted.

"I don't know, maybe someone found it a long time ago and it just got passed around until OZ came up with it." Wufei suggested. "Or maybe the two books weren't hidden in the same place. Why else would the first book have a map to the second book in it if there were hidden in the same place?"

"Incase they got separated." Duo announced. "Duh."

Wufei rolled his eyes in obvious annoyance.

"Hey! I've got something!" Quatre suddenly announced. Both Wufei and Duo looked up.

"What?" Wufei asked moving to look at the computer screen over Quatre's shoulder.

"I've found the place this map shows." Quatre said. He typed something and a graphic layout of some land popped up on the monitor and slowly began turning around giving them a 3-D view. "This is the place the map would take us."

"Where exactly is it?" Wufei asked.

"It's next to some old ruins. They called it 'Gi-Ming' which means 'land of magic'." Quatre paused. "There's a city built up around it, for the tourists."

There was a moment of silence between the three and then Wufei spoke up. "We can go there tomorrow, I'll drive."

"What about Heero?" Quatre questioned. "We can't take him with us. He'll only get in the way."

"Hmm... We'll come up with something." Wufei decided, then frowned. "Where is he anyway?"

"Um....Trowa's trying to put him to sleep." Duo answered glancing back to the door of Heero's room, which was unearthly quiet.

"Good luck." Wufei mumbled more to himself then to anyone else. He turned and left them.

Quatre and Duo looked at each other. "You think he's alright?" Quatre questioned.

Duo shrugged. "Who knows." The two boys were silent for a moment then they both got up and moved to the door. Quatre knocked.

"Trowa? Heero?"

No answer.

Duo pushed the door open a tad. "Trowa?" The door swung open to reveal a still wide-awake Chibi-Heero sitting on his bed while Trowa, perched in a chair nest to the bed, was sound asleep with an open book on his lap.

Chibi-Heero looked up at them. "Shhh." He put a finger to his lips. "He go sleepy-by." The child announced.

"No kidding." Duo commented in a low voice.

Quatre pushed past Duo and shook Trowa's shoulder. "Trowa, wake up."

Trowa drowsily opened his eyes and looked up at them. "Wha-??"

"You feel asleep." Quatre told him.

"Hmmm." Trowa yawned and closed the book. He sighed rubbing his eyes and then mumbled, "Fairy tales are evil." Quatre gave him a confused look. "They put me to sleep and not him." Trowa yawned again.

Quatre forced a smile. "It's okay, it could have happened to anyone." He helped the still half asleep Trowa to his feet and moved to the hallway. "Heero, It's getting late. Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Iie!"(2) The child practically yelled. "I'm not tired at all!" He exclaimed.

"Heero, do what Quatre tells you. It's past your bed time anyway." Duo announced.

"No, it's not!" Chibi-Heero stood up on his bed and pointed to a wall clock. "See? It's only 45:00."

"There's no such thing as 45:00." Duo told Chibi-Heero who was now too young to tell time. "It's 8:15. That's your bed time."

"No it's not!" Chibi-Heero declared as he stared to jump up and down on his bed slightly. "I'm not tired!"

"I didn't ask if you were tired." Duo was starting to lose what little patience he had left. "I told you to go to sleep."

"Will you read me a story? Kudasai?(3)" Chibi-Heero asked.

Duo glanced back to Trowa who was now half dozing on Quatre's shoulder. "Not on your life."

Chibi-Heero made a pouting face. "Then I won't go to sleep."

"If I have anything to do with it you will." Duo stated.

Chibi-Heero suddenly grinned. "Gotta catch me first!" The child suddenly darted from the room.

"Nooo, not again!" Duo moaned. He reluctantly followed after the kid.

Quatre sighed. "You almost have to feel sorry for him."

"Hai(1), Almost." Trowa agreed.

* * * * *

Wufei stared across the table at Trowa. The only thing keeping the boy awake was about two gallons of coffee. 'How can anyone fall asleep reading a fairy tale?' Wufei wondered. Suddenly Duo entered the kitchen and slumped down at a chair. Wufei almost felt sorry for him. The America pilot had ended up having to chase Chibi-Heero all around the house until the child was too tired to move anymore.

"Okay, He's asleep now." Duo sighed, then added "Finally."

"What are we going to do with him?" Quatre asked.

"We'll have to find someone to take care of him while we're gone." Wufei announced. "like a baby-sitter."

"Who would want to watch HIM for a day?" Duo wondered out loud.

"We'll have to find someone." Quatre said. He glanced from Trowa to Duo and then added. "Preferably a girl."

"Hey! Maybe we can dump him on Relena, she should be happy to watch after him." Duo commented.

"Nah, if she saw Heero like this she'd faint." Wufei proclaimed.

Duo hung his head. "Yeah...."

Wufei looked at his feet. "Sally Po is off on business...How about you Quatre? Couldn't you get one of your sisters to watch him for a day?"

Quatre blinked. "No way! If we let them do that they'd probably rip him to shreds, literally."

There was a pause and then Quatre turned to Trowa who was sitting with his head on the table. "Trowa, can you think of anyone?"

Trowa raised his head and racked his coffee soaked brain. Finally he slurred "Catherineee mit tak 'em."

"You think?" Quatre looked back to the others.

Wufei shrugged. "Trowa knows her best, I can't see why not." Duo nodded agreeing.

"Then it's settled." Quatre proclaimed. "We'll leave at 9 and drop Heero off at Catharine's and then we'll go on to the ruins and look for the book and we'll be back by nightfall."

"Agreed." Duo hastily said. "Now let's get some shut-eye."

The others nodded.

* * * * *

The car pulled up in front of Catharine's trailer. She trooped out side as Quatre stepped out of the car. "Ohayo(4)!" she called out to him.

Quatre waved. "Ohayo! Thank you for taking care of *ahem* my little cousin."

Catharine smiled. "Sure, no problem. I love little kids." She looked toward the car and saw Trowa sitting in the passenger seat with a bag of ice pressed to his forehead. "What's wrong with Trowa?"

"Oh..." Quatre fidgeted. "Um...He had a accident in the rush to get ready this morning." He lied.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Catharine totally believed him.

Quatre forced a smile. No way did Catharine need to know that Trowa was on a hang-over from all the coffee. "Um..I'll get He- I mean Yokiu now." He nervously ran tack to the car.

"Okay, Yokiu, now remember what we told you." Quatre told Chibi-Heero as he helped the child out of the car.

Chibi-Heero made a face. "My name is Heero, not Yokiu."

"I know, but this is a game. Okay? You have to pretend to be a sweet little boy named Yokiu." Quatre said.

Chibi-Heero pouted. "I don't wanna play this game."

Duo suddenly stepped in. "We played your game last night, now you have to play our game."

"Nooooo." Chibi-Heero wined.

"If you do, I promise I'll give you a really nice surprise when we come back." Quatre pleaded with him. Chibi-Heero considered, then gave in.

"Okay, I'll play."

"Good boy. Now remember, your name is Yokiu."

"I remember."

"Good." Quatre took his hand and led him back to Catharine, who beamed.

"Aww, he's soo Kawaii!(6)" Chibi-Heero made a sweet, little angel face while Quatre blushed for some reason.

"Um.. thanks again. I gotta go now. Ja ne.(7)" Quatre said as he turned to the car.

"Bye Quatre! Have fun!" Catharine called. Quatre climbed in the car and they took off, leaving Catharine alone with Chibi-He...I mean, Yokiu.

Catharine smiled at Yokiu when the car was out of sight. "We'll have fun, won't we Yokiu?"

Chibi-Heero winced at the name but nodded. "Oh, yes! Lot's of fun."

Catharine beamed again. "Let's go inside and we can play a game." Chibi-Heero took her hand and allowed himself to be led inside.

* * * * *

Duo sighed. "Now we gotta find that book and end this nightmare." He commented.

Quatre nodded. "I just hope Heero doesn't blow it and tell her his real name. Then we could be in some trouble."

Wufei, who was driving nodded. "Yeah, but I think he'll come through." Trowa, who was now in pain from his hang-over said nothing.

Quatre stuck his head up next to Trowa's seat. "Trowa? Are you okay?"

"Daijoubu.(8) I just want to get there and get this over with." Trowa sighed.

"I just hope we find the book there." Wufei announced.

"Hmm." Quatre nodded and sat back in his seat the correct way. Duo, who was seated next to him forced a cheerful smile.

"I'm sure we'll find it." He proclaimed.

"How can you be sure?" Quatre asked.

"I'm not," Duo admitted, "but it can't hurt to be optimistic."

"Can if you set your self up for a fall." Wufei muttered.

Duo stuck his tongue out at the back of the Chinese pilot's head which caused Quatre to giggle. "I hope you're right, Duo." He said.

Duo nodded. "Me too."

~To be Continued~

(1) Yes

(2) No

(3) Please

(4) Good Morning

(5) Mother

(6) Cute

(7) See Ya

(8) "I'm alright." or it could be "Are you alright?" depending on tone. In this case the first is correct.

Muwaaahahahaaa *gag*choke*gasp* ewww, gotta work on my evil villain girl laugh. Anyway, Here's the second part that I promised. I was originally planning on only making this a two part story, but well, plans changed. It's coming out a lot longer than I expected. But hopefully I will get the rest out sooner than I got this out. Okay well, like I said before, all comments, questions, love notes go to Crystalit3@AOL.com. And I want to send a warm thank you to all the wonderful people who sent me feed-back on the story. You guys know who you are! Well, till next time. Ja ne!

-Crystalite ~_^