The Saddest Song

(Note: I'm giving all the credit to Adora Akai. This fanfic is kinda like her fanfic

Called "Violin". By the way the 2 main characters are in their 20s.)

One day, at a lovely house, violin music came. Where was that beautiful song coming from? Dorothy didn't pay any attention to it and continued rocking back and forth in her rocking chair. "Strange," she thought. "A girl such as myself finding solace in knitting?" She smiled and let her fingers slide over the cool needles, which calmed the heavy, humid air that lingered after the previous thunderstorms. The fortress-like clouds were making their way across the sky, and clearing a small path for the sun to shoot out of as it set. It drowned the world in warm orange though clouds still blackened the sky. She closed her eyes. The sweet, sad music seeped in through the cicadas and the crickets had blown the low-hanging branches of the weeping willows around her. The harder she tried to figure out where the music was coming from, the farther away it seemed. It was so sad and calming she let it drown out her already anesthetized-mind until all her thoughts had dripped onto the dry porch under her.

A little girl's laughter hit the bittersweet music. Dorothy felt little hands on her lap. Dorothy set down the knitting needles and ran her hand over the little girl's hair, stopping to twirl one of the little girl's curls around her finger. The little girl giggled. Dorothy opened her eye. "Rose, what's ever so funny?" asked Dorothy. The little girl crawled up on to Dorothy's lap and sat down. "Hmmm, just a funny stranger, mommy." answered Rose. Dorothy continued to stroke Rose's hair. "Rose, you know I don't like you talking to strangers. It worries Me.," said Dorothy.

The little girl giggled and jumped off Dorothy's lap. "I know. I told that ugly man that he was very ugly. I told him to go away and then-" said Rose, but Dorothy interrupted. "That wasn't very nice, Rose." said Dorothy. "I threw a mud pie at him!! Right in the face and he looked uglier than ever!!! I did the right thing, right mommy?" said Rose. "That was mean to do!" said Dorothy.

Rose rolled her eyes and giggled. "He was the ugliest stranger I've ever seen in my life, mommy!" said Rose. Dorothy picked Angel back onto her lap. "Why was he so ugly, Rose?" asked Dorothy. Dorothy rocked the chair back and forth again and Rose began to fall asleep. "Cuz he was tall, his hair was too blond, and his eyes were too blue. He was just plain ugly!" explained Rose. "Well, you can't judge a person because of their looks, Rose," said Dorothy. "What a beautiful lullaby! Isn't the sunset and that lullaby just beautiful, mommy?" said Rose. "Yes, it is beautiful." replied Dorothy. Then, Angel fell fast asleep. "Hmmm, I'm going to put her to bed." said Dorothy. At Rose's bedroom -

Dorothy tucked Rose in bed. "I'll be back. I promise." said Dorothy, looking at Rose. Dorothy tip toed out of Rose's room and went out of the house. "Could it be?" Dorothy asked herself, while running. Then, Dorothy heard someone say "Return to me..."

Dust covered her tired, aching feet. Her eyes scanned the hills and creek-sides sorrowfully. He was nowhere in sight. "That beautiful man, I can't forget him" Dorothy said to herself. The minutes of his absence seemed like lonely and sad hours to her. He was gone. The most elegant of the elegant, the most graceful of the graceful, but most importantly, her love...

She touched her heart, closed her eyes, and sat down next to a stream in the ditch on the side of the road. She let her dirt-covered, scratched up bare feet slide into the water and let the continuing music sing her sad heart to sleep. "I know it was you," she thought. "I've missed you ever so much. Will you ever come back to me?" said Dorothy.

Easy tears slid from her eyes and down her chin. She didn't wipe them as they tickled her hot skin. "Quatre..." she said softly.


She whipped her head around, sending her soft hair fly around her shoulder. There he stood. The setting sun's rays played across him in time to the music. She just stood there, staring longingly at him and having her mind soaked with comforting memories of them together.

He smiled his confined, eyes-half-closed smile. "Dorothy." said Quatre. She was smiling, though more tears streamed down her face. Quatre. His name seemed like the notes to the beautiful music. "Oh, Quatre..." she said and walked towards him. He stood regally and only moved his hand to take hers and kiss it.

He was still holding her hand. "You have a quite lovely little girl," said Quatre. She laughed slightly. They paused.

There was nothing, but silence.

"Her name is Rose." said Dorothy.

He took her other hand. "Rose. That's a delicate and beautiful name." said Quatre.

She looked at him with wet eyes. "She had a beautiful father." said Dorothy.

If he was surprised, he didn't show it. He suavely pulled her closely to him and spoke very softly,

"I've missed you, Dorothy." said Quatre.

The violin music took over. She couldn't speak. The music in the heavy, red air said it all as they embraced. She was lost in that moment; she couldn't feel anything, but the long-forgotten strength of his protective arms. She couldn't smell anything, but him, see anything, but him, know anything, but him. And she didn't wan that moment to end. And she didn't want to ask him, either. "I thought you died 5 years ago." said Dorothy. He continued to smile, but looked her strongly in the eyes. "I'm with you, Dorothy." said Quatre. She put her hand to her mouth and tears streamed down her cheeks. He wiped them away with the back of his soft hand and put botch hands under her chin. She dropped her hand and stared lovingly into his eyes. He brought her mouth to his and kissed her. The cold black spun around them, but he'd held her chin in his hands just like then...And the world seemed to spin around them then. It wasn't dizzying, but more like the world was turning and the wind dancing around them. Leaves rustled at their feet and slightly blew up the edges of her dress. She laughed slightly, so did he, but he continued to hold her and kiss her.

"Don't ever leave me, Quatre." said Dorothy.

The violin music then sang the world slowly darker and everything cooled.

She no longer felt his warm arms. She felt cold stone and prickly grass.

She thought she had her eyes open, but suddenly they really popped open.

She was lying on her back in the cemetery. Above her head was a familiar grave, one she visited all to often.

The music was gone. It was never there.

Just a dream, she said to herself, unbelieving. She still held the red roses she brought for him in her right hand. The wind blew, not as warm, but equally as sad, and she remained there for a while.

She rubbed her stomach and rubbed her eyes, remembering what the doctor told her that morning. "I would've named her Rose." she sniffed.

She set the roses down on the grave except for one. She held it to her heart and held tears back. "The only thing of yours that I could still have here with me..." she said.

She plucked the petals off the rose and let them dance, one by one, in the wind.

She wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and smiled.

She turned her head.

"Is that violin music...?" she asked herself.

"No, it can't be," she said to herself.

Then, she left the grave, the wind whipping her hair and the glittery tears off her face.

"Quatre, I'm going to love you forever. I'd do anything, If I can just be where you are. Only then will I be free. Please, take me where you are. Quatre, I still believe. I know you're deep within my heart, Quatre. Good bye, for now." said Dorothy.