WoNDerful Things
Yaa! The Braids ANd Violins.....SInce you are here you must be looking for stuff on GUNDAM WING...or maybe you hate and wish to leave me evil things.Well whatever you do enjoy your stay.
  I gotta new anime called TRIGUN!!!!! GO TRIGUN
this site might be goin' down the drain soon.

alright no more sound or border piccie!

  Go to STUBBLE!
    Guys i'm back!!!!!! Woo ok lets get some new stuff up like. PICTURES!  Plus Merry Christmas 

   I might not be able to work on this site for a few days because of personal problems. I'll get as much up as possible. Series Up Quotes Up

Wonderful Things section opened.

None shall oppose those who put work into a site. If a site was worthy than be worthy it is.
Ok updates for this week to come.
WILL MUST PUT UP INFO,Wonderful things,Multimedia,and some pics,also some series.
Help is nessasary..why listen to me. Who would want to oppose the great Duo*ahem*i mean
   Endless Waltz was awsome!!!! send me comments on that here.
Comments on endless waltz
Heero- Duo.. i don't think this guy is that great a webmaster
Duo-Man you just wait me and Quatre 'll get our site...
humor .. 
quote of day
about the webmaster
who am i
Guys. Please don't steal the real slim duo.
Don't take the sprites! THEY ARE HAPPy Donut lands'!
/You're really good at your trade huh.