

CPS 2 Shock
CPS 2 Burn
Final Burn
Final Burn Alpha
Play Again
Vimm's Lair

PC Gaming:
Electronic Arts
Planet Baldur's Gate
Planet Diablo
Planet Never Winter Nights
Shadow Keeper
World of Warcraft

Other Gaming:
Anime Paradise
Everything Capcom
Tv Paradise
Games I Own
About me     Pictures/Misc    Music      E-mail Me

Febuary 27, 2006

I've Updated my games list and my about me page. You can now download my curent favorit song from my about me page.

October 30, 2005

OMG can you beleave it I actualy updated my site. Not much really. I want to do alot more. I'm just slow getting there. Well you can check out my About Me page. I've changed it a little bit, there is actualy a picture of me now so now you can see what I look like. I've also added a few more games to my games list. Not much but it's all I could think of. It's been a long time, and I haven't baught many games.

December 12, 2003

I updated my games list to include my newly aquierd Nintendo and Atari 2600 systems. I've also updated my About Me page.

April 20, 2003

I updated my "Games I Own" page today. Now it fallows the theme like most of my site.

Febuary 26, 2003

Can you beleave it. Yet another update of games that I own. Today I just bought Battle Realms, Tribes 2 and Xenosga. I also bought a 4.1 speaker system for my computer and I must say I was missing out on a lot with just the two speakers my computer came with. The sound is just awsome.

Febuary 22, 2003

Another games update. I just bought Devil May Cry. Realy fun but difficult game.

Febuary 8, 2003

I've perchased another game to add to my collection, Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny.

January 29, 2003

Another update for my games list. I just bought Command & Conquer: Renegade. And thus far I am very pleased with the game. It is quickly becomeing my favorit FPS.

January 25, 2003

I've updated my games list.

January 24, 2003

More and more of the site is being integrated with the new background. I've updated my About Me page with some more content

January 23, 2003

Wow what a difference! As you can see there's a new background for the site, and more to come soon. Available for a limited time you can see the other background I was going to use. Click Here. But as you can see this one is much more apealing.

December 20, 2002

Well, i've updated the site again. Just did some more rearrangen.

December 18, 2002

I've updated the site again. Changed a little of this and a little of that. Any way, it looks nicer.

December 17, 2002

As you can see i've changed the site here a bit. I hope it makes the site more apealing. I've also added a page that lists my games. Check it out here if you'd like to know what games I own.

September 09, 2002

I haven't forgotten about me site. I just haven't had the time to mess with it. I've been haveing a lot of computer problems lately. Well I did straighten it up a little bit today, but nothing big. It just looks a little neeter.

June 11, 2002

I've added some portriats to the Baldurs' Gate section.
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