Hey I'm Danielle, my Boyfriend is Ralph, and this is our site. You can check out our pictures and info pages. We'll add more stuff on our site as time goes on, but right now we don't have much time to do all that. Please sign our guestbook, it means alot to us. By signing our guestbook we get to see who has been to our site and what they think about us and whats on our site. We check it all the time so sign it DAMNIT! haha. Thank-You!
This is Me and my amazing boyfriend, Ralph
All About Danielle
-Our Links-
Pics Spring '03
Pics '02-'03
Pics Winter '02
Pics March 2005
All About Ralph
Pics Misc. '05
Pics Cali Augest '05
-Our Pics-
Ralph and Danielle's Guestbook