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 Minutes of Previous Meeting


* We are now accepting tenders for landscape work, follow this link for full details *

Please note all tenders must be received by the 7th August 2002

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The office of Duston Parish Council is based at Duston Community Centre. It is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Web address www.oocities.org/dustonparishcouncil

Office phone 01604 583626

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Minutes of previous meeting

Minutes of the full Council meeting held on Thursday 7th February 2002

at 7.45 p.m. at Duston Community Association, Pendle Road, Duston.


Present: Mr L Collins (Chairman)

Mr A H Peach (Vice Chairman)

Mr R Bazeley

Mr J Caswell

Mr N Cooper

Mrs M Edwards

Mr D Huffadine-Smith

Mrs S Ingram

Mr P Riches

Mr C Riley

Mrs E Tavener


In attendance: Mrs P Goodley (Clerk)

PC I Brown

20 parishioners


Apologies: Ms R Phillips

Borough Councillor P Ford

Borough Councillor A Kingston

Borough Councillor F Lilley


PC02/2/24 Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest.

PC02/2/25 Public questions and addresses

Most of the members of the public attending the meeting had come to comment about the questionnaire the Parish Council had sent out to consult residents about what facilities they would like to see in Errington Park for young people. Several concerns were raised by members of the public, in summary:

The Chairman thanked the members of the public from attending and 15 left the meeting.

PC02/2/26 Police report

PC Brown reported. The following is a summary:

PC02/2/27 Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the full Council meeting held on 10th January 2002 were proposed by Mr Caswell and seconded by Mr Peach as a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising

PC02/2/28 (Finance - monthly management review) Minutes of Parish Council meetings

The owner of the estate agent at Bordeaux Close had agreed to keep copies of minutes for members of the public to take if they wished, for a trial period.

PC02/2/29 Finance - model code of conduct

The Clerk had been asked to check if this conflicted in any way with existing Standing Orders. She confirmed that it did not.

Reports from Working Parties

Environment: Mrs Ingram reported as follows:

PC02/2/30 Errington Park - play facilities

The Environment Working Party had carefully considered the possible options for play equipment for teenagers. Where to site the equipment was an issue. It had been agreed to do the following:

      1. Find out who uses the football pitches and how often and when
      2. Consult the residents about their views
      3. Ask the Borough Council for permission and help about the idea of a basketball/football court
      4. Consult the police about where it should be sited

Mr Caswell also mentioned the possibility of second hand play equipment that he had been looking into.

PC02/2/31 Quarry - request for a seat and a bin

No comments had been received from members of the public about this, so it was agreed to go out to tender.

PC02/2/32 Recycling

A timetable for the plastic and cans collection plus information about the success of paper recycling had been requested from the Recycling Officer.

PC02/2/33 Right of way KL9 - Ashtree Way

The bent light had been straightened but the path was still dark. The possibility of a different light was being looked into.

PC02/2/34 Bus shelter Main Road / Woodley Chase junction

The Borough Council had said that it could not turn the shelter around to make more space on the pavement because there were service pipes and cables near to the surface. Mr Caswell suggested putting a narrow service strip of tarmac on the verge; it was agreed to consider this in more detail.

PC02/2/35 Pedestrian crossing outside Village Bakery

Mr Caswell had asked the County Council to consider upgrading the crossing.

PC02/2/36 Rose garden

A solicitors' letter on behalf of the neighbour, requesting the Parish Council to reconsider the issue of the neighbour building steps through one of the raised beds, was discussed. The Borough Council's initial comments about the solicitors' letter were tabled and noted.

Mrs Tavener expressed her concern about the rose garden, and it was agreed that there should be as little further delay in upgrading the rose garden as possible. The resident's letter was felt to be reasonable and showed that he wanted the issue resolved too. The Borough Council's advice on the legal details of who owns the land and who owns which wall needed resolving, and were delaying any further improvements to the rose garden. Mr Huffadine-Smith felt that any decision until the legal situation had been clarified was premature.

It was proposed by Mrs Tavener and seconded by Mr Cooper and duly

Resolved: that this Council is happy to allow the access through the rose garden if that section of wall is owned by the resident and subject to the agreement of the design details with the Parish Council. No monetary consideration would be required, but it would be hoped that the resident would co-operate with the re-design of the rose garden. (Five in favour; six abstentions).


The minutes of the previous meeting were tabled (please note that Mrs Edwards should be removed from the list of those present) and Mrs Tavener reported as follows:

PC02/2/37 Invoices for payment

It was proposed by Mr Peach and seconded by Mr Riley and duly

Resolved: that all of the invoices presented for payment were approved for payment.

PC02/2/38 Budget report to date

The budget was on line. It was noted that there were still some grants that needed to be claimed.

PC02/2/39 Monthly management review

Resolved: that this increase was accepted and would be implemented by the Parish Council in full from 1st April 2002. (No dissentions).

PC02/2/40 Local Government White Paper 'Strong Local Leadership - Quality Public Services - the Way Forward for Parishes'

It was noted that it is proposed by central government to reform the financial regime for parishes.

PC02/2/41 Model code of conduct

This would be further discussed at a future meeting.

PC02/2/42 Parish Council representative to the Borough Council's Standards Committee

It was proposed by Mr Caswell and seconded by Mr Riley and duly

Resolved: That Mr Collins or Mrs Edwards should attend the meeting with the other parish councils within the Borough, and that they were granted delegated powers to vote on behalf of Duston Parish Council for a representative to the Borough Council's Standards Committee.

The Chairman asked if any of the Duston councillors wished to stand as representative to this committee, but there were no nominations. Mr Collins also thanked Mrs Edwards for attending the meeting at the Guildhall with the Borough Solicitor at short notice.


The minutes of the previous two meetings were received by all councillors and Mr Peach reported as follows:

PC02/2/43 Current planning applications

A separate Planning meeting had been held this month as agreed , and Mr Peach did feel that it had been worthwhile, as there was longer to discuss each application.

Minutes of 10.1.02

Of the five residential planning applications discussed, it had been agreed there were no concerns. The date for Golby's appeal had been noted. The following information had also been noted:

Minutes of 28.1.02

Of the five residential planning applications discussed, it had been agreed there were no concerns. There had been very little information with the following, but it had been felt that as the plans had been reduced to two smaller properties they were now more realistic for the size of the site:

2001/1133 Rear of 70 and 72 Castle Avenue Amended description to a pair of semi-detached two storey dwellings with garages (outline application)

PC02/2/44 St Crispin site

Mr Caswell had reported that the contact from Wilcon specifically for the St Crispin site was Phil Leggett.

PC02/2/45 Timken site

The Borough Surveyor hoped to carry out a survey of the social club buildings imminently.

PC02/2/46 Duston Oils chimney appeal

It was noted that Duston Oils had been successful in their appeal against refusal of their retrospective application to move their chimney.

PC02/2/47 Community Event

Mr Huffadine-Smith reported as follows:

The replies received so far from local community groups to the letter asking them if were planning any events to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee showed that a few small events were being planned. Mr Huffadine-Smith had been very disappointed by the reaction of members of the public to the proposal to install play equipment for older children in Errington Park, and felt that the idea of this being the Jubilee project should be re-assessed by the Environment Working Party.

It was agreed to look at the idea of providing commemorative mugs or similar for local children.

Mrs Ingram proposed a vote of thanks to Mr R Tavener for putting up the attractive display outside the library about the Parish Council's Jubilee bulb planting event.

PC02/2/48 Area committees

Mr Collins reported that this had been well-attended, with people there because the Timken site was on the agenda. A survey of the social club buildings had been carried out and the report was imminent. It was hoped that the Parish Council would be invited once again to meet with Timken's town planner, although no formal plans yet existed. Production in the factory was still going on.

Mrs Tavener expressed the hope that any remaining Nene Foundation charitable funds would be earmarked specifically for Duston.

Mr Huffadine-Smith reported that the Borough Council accepted the principle of multi-agency management of the social club and its infrastructure in future, should the surveyor's report prove satisfactory.

Several local issues had been discussed, especially pot holes and parking on pavements.

Mr Riches reported that there was to be a review of all of the Borough's parks, including pitches.

Mrs Edwards reported that there had been discussion of area committees at NALC, and that some ill-feeling had been expressed. However, she had been favourably impressed at the actual Area Committee meeting itself.

Mrs Tavener reported that the County Council was reviewing the initialprogress of its area committees. She had stressed at the meeting` the need to work with the parishes. Various items had been discussed, including travellers and improvements to youth facilities.

PC02/2/49 Northamptonshire County Council - Quality Schools for the 21st Century - latest proposals for local schools

PC02/2/50 Correspondence

PC02/2/51 Any other business

Duston Upper School - plans for a strategic conference

Mrs Tavener reported that DUS are planning a strategic conference for Autumn 2002. They would be asking members of the community what they expected from the school. It was agreed in principle that the Parish Council would like to be involved.

There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting at 9.25 p.m.


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Last Revised: 01.07.02