Since January 1st of 2002 the Dutch guilder has been taken out of circulation and has been replaced by the European currency: the Euro.

Every participating European country has issued its own version of the euro-coin. The backside of the euro coins of The Netherlands look like this:

We have started a collection of the euro coins of all countries. However we found out that it can be difficult to obtain euro coins from the smaller participating countries, especially if you want to collect uncirculated coins. And making a trip to all various countries to buy a euroset there sounds like a nice idea, but is a bit beyond our budget.

So we have decided to put up this page to give euro collectors a chance to get sets of uncirculated and circulated Dutch euros, and trade them with euros of other countries for our own collection.

There are two ways of doing this:
1. We
buy a euroset for you (uncirculated or circulated coins) and send it to you;
2. You offer to
trade an uncirculated euroset of your country for a Dutch uncirculated euroset. (see the overview of eurosets we still need to complete our collection)
selling & trading: scroll down for info