W h a t ' s   N e w   ?

Been to my home page before?
Then this is the place you wanna go first.
It easily directs you to updated or new sections.
Most recent update was on: August 8th 2001.
Contributions are very welcome !

January 26th, 2004. New story: A Rendez Vous with Jill at haircut stories.
March 21st 2002. New e-mail address: dutch_one@hotmail.com  Please don't use the GeoCities or Yahoo address anymore. Your mail won't be forwarded by them. Hope to bring you news on the continuance of this site soon.
Contributors Pages 6 - 12 are currently under construction and unavailable. Start surfing at page #13 up to # 38 !
July 25th 2001. 
Two new  haircut stories.
And  more coming soon.
July 20th 2001. New This Month's Favorite 
for July 2001. 
Thanks for all the e-mails you send me the past few months. Some of them with great stories and even greater pictures. I have a lot of new stuff, but I have been short of time to do updates. However I will try to do my utmost the next few weeks to do at least some updating for you my loyal fans.
April 11th 2001. What? Two updates in one week? the Gods must be crazy! Or maybe just in need of a haircut. Thanks to JB (from Iceland I think) three new Contributors Pages 36, 37 and 38  added. Lots of new pictures!
July 16th 2000. Some new sites on the Links page.
April 18th 2000. The Beautiful Barberettes section has been updated with 60 new pictures.
Got any ideas for my  Home Page?  Please let me know. Thank you.

How come, since August 24th 1998
over 650,000 people  have enjoyed
this home page till now and so few of you wish
to contribute by sending in material?
Please send me more pictures of barberettes
so the Contributors section can be alive and kicking'.

Please send your contributions to: dutch_one@hotmail.com


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