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Mission Statement

Note: Moncton Right to Life  wishes to complement, rather than duplicate, the educational work carried out by other pro- life groups. Our objectives as listed below denote the complete range of our concerns and potential activity.


To promote through public education the sanctity of all human life from fertilization to natural death. To advocate for the pre-born, the disabled, the infirm and the elderly who are all uniquely created by God.




The object of Moncton Right to Life is the establishment and operation of a local association of educational pro-life groups for the purpose of:


(a)                promoting respect for all human life from fertilization to natural death;

(b)               fostering and promoting public understanding in and knowledge of life issues, including, but not limited to, fetal development, abortion, palliative care, euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, human experimentation, post-abortion syndrome, chastity/abstinence education and all other related issues affecting respect for human life;

(c)                providing for the publication of information to its members for further dissemination and the holding  of educational lectures, public and private meetings, seminars and conferences on life issues;

(d)               providing a clearing-house of information to be shared amongst members for their collective benefit;

(e)                acting as the public voice for its members on life issues and coordinating educational and media campaigns;

(f)                 establishing a library or collection of books or other publications, whether physical or electronic, dealing with life issues;

(g)                contributing to the efficiency of its members and the effectiveness of their work by providing advice and support services in the form of training and educational programs;

(h)                cooperating and liaising with other organizations with similar objects in projects and activities that promote respect for life;

(i)                  educating individuals on how to critically evaluate messages disseminated by the media , government authorities and agents, academia, and special interest groups, thereby enabling them to participate fully and effectively in discussions of life issues and public policy;

(j)                 rendering assistance to governments at local levels by supplying information collected as a result of research carried on or gathered under the auspices of the other parent organizations;

(k)               undertaking or sponsoring the development of, and promoting the use of, educational programs in the field of human sexuality that are age-appropriate, parent-centered, and effective in developing good character in young persons;

(l)                  providing or sponsoring the provision of counseling and referral services to the public with respect to unforeseen pregnancies, post-abortion syndrome, post-adoption difficulties, and post-birth difficulties;

(m)              to stay within the limits of the Income Tax Act and having the assistance of our parent organizations in doing so.

