For a change of pace I have created this new section where you, the good-natured patron of my webpage, can find a new perspective on life from the king of creepiness, Christopher Walken.  Just send me your questions and I will in turn have Mr. Walken answer them.  Keep your questions brief and try to use large words.
Question 1.  What is your opinion on U.S.- European relations?  In the dark recesses of a man's soul, lies the morbid avenger of his unfulfilled dreams.  When awakened this dark hunter seeks the fruit of others' accomplishments and sours them with his sinister presence.  Yes, I feel that U.S.-European relations are quite good.

Question 2. 
What is your favorite dessert? The rain-drench landscape forms a bleak backdrop to my own personal turmoil where I, as the meager pauper, must beg for mercy from the King of Pain.  This king being triple fudge cake, I do adore triple fudge cake.