The Home Children Canada Emblem

The lion of England against a field of red.
Silhouette of an urban center, where most Home Children came from.
The ship bringing the children across the ocean, guided by the star of hope.
Fields of grain and hills against a golden sky.
Maple leaf in field of white. (Canada's national colours)
SPES IN CANADA (Latin motto - Our hope is in Canada.)

Homeboys were groups of refugee children that were sent over from England, Ireland and Scotland from 1870 to 1936. It was a relocation program, sending more than 7000 children to Canada where they were employed as labourers/domestics. Many of these children were stigmatized for most of their lives, due to the rejection they were to experience in their new land.

My husband's grandfather, John Walter Taylor, was one of these homeboys, coming to Canada at the young age of 11. He was sent via ship to the port of Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he found his way to Brockville's Fairknowe Home.

Quarriers Canada

Aberdeen and Grampian Tourist Board
Aberdeen and NorthEast Scotland Family History Society
British Home Children
Home Children Canada - Pacific
National Archives
Young Immigrants to Canada
Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site

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This page is dedicated to all those who came to Canada via this manner.

