Morgan, Selkie Wilder

Mortal Seeming: A sleek young man of nineteen or so, with a swimmer's build, and an artists hands; Morgan is a handsome fellow. His large liquid eyes are a dark brown, almost black, and seem to swallow the very horizon as he gazes upon it with quiet reverence. One may notice his slender fingers are slightly webbed. Morgan's long wavy hair, usually tied in a pony tail, is a curious blue black. His clothing is typical beach wear, save for his Sealskin Jacket, which he always has close at hand.

Fae Seeming: As the Dreaming washes over him, Morgan's aspects become exaggerated, more surreal. His liquid eyes grow fuller, and deeper. The blue in Morgan's raven hair is even more vibrant, and his hand and feet webbing more pronounced. He seems to have just risen from the waves, sometimes dripping with chimeric water.His Sealskin, the jacket, crackles with glamour.

Seal Seeming:Of typical size and only slightly darker coloration than your average harbor seal, Morgan is a splendid specimen of a marine mammal. His eyes still provoke the same feeling of trust. While quiet when out of his skin, as a seal, he partakes of a bit more mischief, such as laying his head in the lap of any young lady who's come to the beach.

More about Morgan: Morgan is an artist, working in paints and sketches. His preference, of course, is seascapes. However, he also draws creatures of the sea, and, if one takes his fancy, a portrait of a beautiful woman. Though he loves Selkie Rock, he can not craft his art in the near constant spray. Thus, he is often at Ardent Harbor itself. His work is equal to any professional, but he simply sells it modestly here and there. With the ability to eat fish in the sea for free, the food prices alone are slashed to nearly nothing.

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