<BGSOUND SRC="all_4_one-i_swear.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


I sit here in my silence and drift off into a far off  land where dreams come true
and I am in your arms.

We let go of each other so you could keep hold
of a small treasure worth more to you then gold. I know you love us both with all your soul, yet I have learned to let go.

I wonder here in my silence how I wish I could have felt your body love me with the words you once use to say. To feel your hands upon me and your lips passionately kissing me until we became lost in the love we
felt for each.

I know this dream world does not exist and our time in paradise shall never come so until we meet in heaven and walk upon the same sacred land, I’ll love you until forever and
in my heart you shall remain.

Veronica Valdez