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Druggy Youths Of America
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Well Solder....ya think you got what it takes to join the dya

just cause you can kill a cave rat and  rad scorpions with a pointy stick dont mean jack shit too us
we cant just take anyone ya know
no it takes a special breed to join  dya
whats that i hear you say? how do i join... simple just show us what you got
NAH!!!!  Put that iguana on a stick away!  i mean show me what youre made of

if you think you got what it takes then lets have a little talk . In the mean time answer these simple questions.
do you feel really insecure without a really big gun?
do you believe in throwing away our weapons of  destuction in order to invent even more powerful ones?
are you the type to use a plasma rifle just to kill a little cave rat?
do you visit bobs use cars just to shoot a gun out of a  car?
have you ever shot bob?
do you believe armor makes the man or woman?
do you visit restaurants and get a urge to whip out your combat shotgun?
do you cry after killing someone with a gun...because a flamer would of been more fun

if you answerd "yes" to any of these questions then you may be just what were looking for
now all you have to do is put [dya]  Initiate  in front of your name and give us your email addy
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