Sitios en el Internet sobre
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos De Los Ultimos Dias en el Pais de Cuba.

Web Sites About The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Cuba

Any questions or Comments - email
This is NOT an officially sponsored web site of the LDS church
For Official LDS sites click on the following

La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias en Cuba - LDS in Cuba

        "Havana Saint"  -  Dr. Luis Verrier and Marisol Vivo

        LDS Havana Babushka       

        Human Rights in CUBA (1999) (do a FIND on "mormon") 

        Mormons visit Council of Churches in Cuba (2003)

        Religious Freedom Report 2003  (do a FIND on "mormon")

        Religious Freedom Report 2004  (do a FIND on "mormon")


LDS Cuban Americans in the United States

        Iraiza - with just the clothes on her back

          LDS Cuban Americans in Miami - 1996 

          LDS Cuban Americans in Miami - 1987 

          Cuban Defector - Yosleyder Calla - Converts to LDS Faith after being admitted to BYU  -   more info  
            Yosleyder Cala


Sitios Generales del Internet acerca de Cuba - General Web Sites about Cuba          




       Cuban Portal

       The Cuban Experience 


       Cultural Events in Cuba 

       Photographic Collection - Behind the Curtain 

       World Fact Book - Cuba 


Cuba en las Noticias - Cuba in the News          

       CubaFM - World News Network

       News of Cuba

La Religion en Cuba - Religion in Cuba

        Adventists in Cuba

        Baptists in Cuba       

        The Catholic Church in Cuba   

        Cuba returning to religious roots   

        Cuba Para Cristo   More Links  

        Episcopal Church in Cuba

        Jews in Cuba (and other religious information)

        News from Cuba

        Presbyterians in Cuba

        Protestants in Cuba

        Religion in Cuba

        Religion in Cuba

        Religion in Cuba

        Vision for a Christian Cuba 


Genealogia de Familias Cubanas - Cuban genealogy

        Cuban Genealogy Center

        La Investigacion Genealogica de familias Cubanas

        Rootsweb Cuban Genealogical Bulletin Board


Otros Sitios - Other Sites

        Acceso al Internet en Cuba

       Cuba in the Internet                  

       Cuba and Cuban Americans on the Internet

        Los Joven Club 

        Cuba Welcomes Flying Eye Plane FROM UTAH 

        Mormons visit Cuba 

LDS who have visited CUBA


       Gladys Knight (LDS) <director of SUV>  Visits CUBA - and sings "Feelin Good/Vacilon" with Edesio Alejandro
              Album "Bridge to Havana" created.
               Article about the trip to Cuba
               NPR - news audio clip


Jeffry Flake
US Representative Jeff Flake (LDS) Visits Cuba - article about visit to Cuba