William Criswell Family Letter

From Elain W Branham ewbranham@carolina.rr.com


Transcription of Two Letters written to William Vannoy Criswell (oldest son of John Yancy Criswell and Eleanor Vannoy Criswell)

Mempis tenn May the 8 1839

Dear Cousin William

your letter came to hande a few days since dated the 6 of febuary which gave us mutch satisfation to hire from you once more the family is in good helthe at this time Ruth R was married to a Mr. Jame Adkin the 13 of febuary he was a widowar with two childrdn tha live about 7 milde from memphis Sarah Cissna and hir husband has gone to Criswell Ky to live your fathe left this plase the first of aprile to go to Kentucky and we have not hird of him since he come to this place in november and was vary loe with the cough all winter and we did not think that he would git over it so no more of this as to my self i am quite well at presant I should lik to see you all onc more but unless my minde dos not change i don’t thinke that i ever will see teaxis but i donte no if mother will not come in the fall father lefte hir the 4 of aprile for texa and i expect that he will be thar by the time that this letter gits thar if he is tell him that we are in good helth you sade something about Mother directing leroy how to choose a wife and so let me tell you how to pick one for your self that is to plese your self whither you plese eney body else or /not\ but be shore to pick a good one you most do as you sade another must doo that is to sho this letter to one and the other. gave my love to all the famley and to my friends if i have eney and take parte to your self so no more at presant but yours with due respect


Mary M Mcmahon

Dear Neighfew [William V Crisswell]

I now take my pen in hand to let you know that we are all well and I hope this will find you all well I have

nothing to write to you at preasant that is worth your attention only you uncle Mcmahon has gone on to texas and I expect he will go to your house and dont let him miss his family - while with you be as a son to him and if sick nurse him william you say that you have a mind to marry and have no one to advise with you on the subject now my son do not be in haste apon the subject as it is a weighty mater recorlect it is for life and not a trancitory thing then look before you leap for depend upon my word that one halfe of the community brings sorrow down on them selves for not taking of it upon this matter be sure to find out the turne of the mother is she has any if not try to find out the turn of the person that has raised her if she is raised to industry and good econemy and not a runabout and loves a retired life and above all if she loves relegion but I would love for my niece to not only love relegion but to possess it in full then she would make you happy in this life and I would love to hear that you made this your study as it is the only thing that gives happiness in this life and in the next to come now my dear son look at this when you take a notion to marry and think of your old Aunt when you go to see the girls and remember me to all of the family as I have not time to write to them all seperately and tell them that - I love them all alike but cant write a letter to all -give my love to all and tell them that I want to hear that they are doing well in this life and making preperations for the next so I remain yours until death.

Elizabeth Y Mcmahon