*~* NEWS *~*
*~* UPDATE *~* ( 13 August, 2005 )

Round 1

Today at IWA Training, both Diamond Dogg and Lucky 7 turned up and kept it cool for the first hour. Then one of the trainers was looking around for someone to train with. He called " Lucky 7, you get in. " Diamond Dog then blind sided Lucky 7 and repeatedly hit him across the head till he was out. Then he covered Lucky 7 and told a random trainee to count. He did so!

Diamond Dogg was then sent home. ( he was told he was not wanted )

Lucky 7 came to about half an hour after the insident.

Round 2

Yet another victory from Diamond Dog. After a long bout  the 2 wrestlers went out to the floor beating the living hell
out of each other. Diamond Dog then started to loose the  advantage until he used a thumb in the eye. He then grabbed
a weapon and hit Lucky 7 over the back with it. He then grabbed Lucky 7 from behind and out of desparation lucky
7 gave a low blow with his left leg to Diamond Dog. Lucky 7  then walked to his right and set diamond up for th
e Ace of Spades, Diamond Dog backed away from it and  rolled up Lucky 7 1....2.....3 ( Using the tights by the way)

Round 3

Lucky 7 gets the victory in this round. The match went for around 12 minutes, there was barely one wrestling move performed, it was a fist fight and Diamond Dog was able to out punch Lucky 7 and he had him in the feild position on the floor. Diamond Dog kept kicking Lucky 7, thats when Lucky 7 was able to get a breather. Diamond Dog then went back to lucky 7 to pull him to his feet, intead of pulling lucky 7 he got a big upercut to the chin sending him to the floor for the 3 count. ( Saliva and sweat was shot all over the ring after the uppercut ) All trainees where shocked!

Round 4

Diamond Dog brang the score to 3 to 1. The match started with Lucky 7 using his quick ability to allow himself to get some easy punches and kicks in. This whole match went for 22 minutes. Because it was such a long match ill get right to the end. Lucky 7 through Diamond Dog against the rope and because of Diamond Dog's strength, the shoulder block backfired on Lucky 7 sending him to the floor. Diamond Dog bounced off the rope and Lucky 7 jumped to his feet. Diamond Dog missed with the clothsline and bounced of the rope and Lucky 7 leapfroged over him. Then Diamond Dog ran to the ropes and Lucky 7 knowing this went for a dropkick, but ended up on the floor, because Diamond Dog held on the ropes. Then Diamond Dog started to hit the side of his leg and when  Lucky 7 got to his feet, Diamond Dog did a Superkick right to Lucky 7's face. That aloud him to get the 3 count. Leaving Lucky 7 with a bloody face.

Round 5

Lucky 7 pulled off an impressive victory in this round. ( score 2 to 3 DD's way ) This match was a very well done match, where skill and ring sense came into it.  The match started with Lucky 7 getting revenge from the bloody face from last round. Lucky 7 continued strikes to the face. Diamond Dog cut Lucky 7 off in his tracks when he gave Lucky 7 a thumb to the eye and then a kick to the groin ( the referee was checking out a chick who walked in if your wondering where he was ).
From this point DD was dominating the match with 7 suplex's in a row and he kept saying over and over " You like the number 7 then ill do the most painful moves 7 times. " Then a sudden move made the match changed hands when Diamond Dog through Lucky 7 to the ropes and Lucky 7 retaliated with a huge DDT sending Diamond Dog's head bouncing off the canvas and after the sound of the mat had finished Diamond Dog was on the other side of the ring because of the impact of the DDT. Lucky 7 went for the pic 1........2..........kick out. Lucky 7 was devastated and kept asking the ref if it was 3. While Lucky 7 was asking the ref, Diamond Dog got to his feet and was slapping the side of his leg just like the other round. Diamond Dog went for the superkick and Lucky 7 turned it into an Electric Chair. Rod nipped up and ran to the ropes, Diamond Dog was almost up then Lucky 7 did a springboard Ace of Spades. The 3 count was then made, and Diamond Dog didn't know where he has and was carried away from the ring as Lucky 7 gloated and taunted on the ropes.

Round 6

The score is now tied at 3 a piece. Lucky 7 with a win. The whole match went for around 14 minutes. Ill get straight to the end of the match so I do not bore you. Both struggle to there feet after having a double clothsline and are both exhausted. Lucky 7 gets the first punch, then Diamond Dog with a punch sending Lucky 7 to the floor. Diamond Dog starts to climb the ropes, and Lucky 7 gets to his feet and tries to get Diamond Dog off the rope. After failing on numerous occasions
Lucky 7 jumps on the second rope and dropkicked Diamond Dog, sending Diamond Dog flying to the floor outside the ring.
Lucky 7 then see's Diamond Dog begining to get to his feet so he runs to the other side of the ring and bounces of them and shoots himself out for a suicide dive but the move backfired when Diamond Dog grabbed a steal chair and slammed it over Lucky 7's head as he has coming through the ropes. This match ended in a DQ, from the chairshot.
4 - 4
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