Pack 60, Den 4 Tiger Cubs

Den 4 Tiger Cubs Schedule



2        Popcorn Pickup @ Patty Deutmeyer's home (see map)

9        Scout Day Iowa Football (see form)

11      Den Meeting 5 p.m. @ Xavier Auditorium

14      Scouts Must have money to Den Leader

17      Pack Meeting City Garage. Print Bags for Scouting for    
           Den Leaders Must turn in popcorn money to Patty.

18      Go and See 5 p.m. @ Dyersville Police Station

23      9:00AM Pack Meeting at Dyersvillle City Garage.
          We will be printing the Bags for one Pack Wide
          Community outing and ALL ARE TO ATTEND! 


2        7:00PM Pack Meeting at Xavier Auditorium
          Christmas Party
          Den 4 will need to bring 1 doezend cookies each.

16      Den Meeting @ Xavier Auditorium
          Christmas Party bring $5.00 gift for gift exchange)

**        Go and See to be announced at a later date.


5        Bowling Party

6        Council Wide Ski night

21     Council Wide Ski night


2        Scout Sunday

3        Council Wide Ski night
          Den Leaders turn awards in 

9        Boy Scout Breakfast
          Blue & Gold Banquet
          Flag Ceremony : Den _____
          Dessert Raffle: Den _____
          Skit: Den _____

22      Dubuque District Olympics

24      Council Wide Ski night


8        Scouting Appreciation Dinner

23      Scouting for Foods
           Pinewood Derby - Xavier Auditorium
           Flag Ceremony: Den ______


21     Pack Meeting: 7:30 Xavier Auditorium
         Rank Graduations
         Flag Ceremonies: Den ____
         Camp Klaus presentations
         Scouts need to turn in Camp sign up sheets & physical      forms


Pack Picnic - New Wine Park Pre-register/buy books, etc.  No awards or ceremonies.


7            Day Camp

13-14    Cub Overnight

15          Dad Lad Mom & Me

20-22    Webelos Camp

27-28    Cub Overnight

29          Dad Lad Mom & Me

4-5        Cub Overnight

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