Daniel and Adam are my two teenage boys, who like most teenagers are a handful with their hormones playing havoc but I love them dearly. Summer is my 3 year old little girl, who is a little bossy madam, but the most beautiful little girl in the world to me, she is the doll I never had as a child. The following three poems are dedicated to them.

Summer is...

Summer is a hot sunny day
Where flowers bloom and children play
Summer is eating a cold ice lolly
No need for that dreaded brolly
Summer is the fun seaside
Paddling in the flowing tide
Summer is sun bathing all day
Getting a tan along the way
Summer is the best season of all
Thats why "Summer" our daughter we call


My first born, my eldest son
The one thats full of so much fun
A joker and clown you'll always be
A spirit so footloose and fancy free
You're hard and bold, not afraid at all
Yet emotional and kind, you stand so tall
You were quite a sickly child
Now you're strong and tall, yet meek and mild
A bit of bother you've been in before
Had the police knock at our door
Now your inner self has won
An honest person you have become
I have hope and faith in all you do
A mother so proud, I am of you
Your life ambitions you will fulfill
You are my son, I love you Daniel


A sweet angelic little boy
Whose always on the go
Full of love and freedom
And not afraid to show
Afraid of his own shadow
Or anything thats weird
This only shows the innocence
Of the darling I have reared
But one day soon I'll know
He'll grow up big and strong
For he is the gifted one
Who knows his right from wrong
Achievements he'll have many
He'll go so very far
He'll have his choice of career
And drive the finest car
Who is this poem about
My child, the middle one
But "Adam" you're as important
As my daughter and eldest son