Thank You
This page is for all the people that helped us along the way.
                                         People we call friends
To Rick & Tina Faulk for their friendship and support and of course the dogs they have sold us.
Edward Williams and Ron Coleman , for the many hours you 2 spend with us      talking about dogs and all the advice and the good dogs I got from you.
Donell Thomas, for all the help and the doghouses.
Maurice Patterson, you are a true friend.
Mario & Katie Avril of All Game Kennels, you guys are the best, we wish you the best of luck  in the future. 
Emanuel & Sarah Motten, for your years of friendship and the help with our      dogs.
Billy Holden and his wife of Holden's Pit Bulls, thank you for taking  time out of your busy schedule to show us around.

We would also like to thank J. Jetton (Airborn Kennels),                              Patrick McCann ( Texaline Kennels ), Sara Hoyle & Darvi Angel ( AAA Fence & Dogs ), Dale Krueger, Jimmy & Tammy Vanallman ( Vanallman's Pit Bulls), Michael A. Walker , Karen & Dennis Moore ( Rebel Yell Game Farm) , Brigitte Mann ( Manns Best Friend Kennels), Monte Bean (Wildcard Kennels), Chris & Ed Faron ( Wildside Kennels)and the Colby Family. If we forgot somebody please fogive us, we met so many good Dog People (
Women & Man ) that we can't remember all of them.

And of cours all the people who got dogs from us, with out you guys we would not be here.

     To our Family, thanks for being there for us every step of the way.


First of all I want to say thank you to my Friend and Partner Linda Hartley,  I don't know what I would do without you.