....earth ; nature's canvas.....nature ; earth's offspring.....earth ; nature's canvas.....nature ; earth's offspring.....earth ; nature's canvas.....nature.....
         The Ecology Hall of Fame, an ecology library,
    biographies and chronicles of  renowned  naturalist's
Henry David Thoreau, Rachel Carson, John Muir, and more.
          Every bit as delightful as it's name suggests.
" In  the  end,  we  will  conserve  only  what  we  love.
      We   will   love  only  what   we   understand.
   We  will  understand  only  what   we  are  taught."
Baba Dioum
The Bear Den
       A den full of bear facts, photographs,
backcountry wisdoms, quotes from our forefathers,
       with links to wildlife and  conservancy
                Captain Yves-Jacques Cousteau, 1910-1997.
        My childhood champion, legendary oceanographer, ecologist,
film producer, author, passionately dedicated to the protection and
           improvement of the quality of life for all generations.
              Their goal: To find and communicate ways in
       which we can achieve a
balance between social, economic,
       and ecological needs. Their project areas: Climate Change,
          Pacific Salmon Forests, Fisheries, CanadianRainforests,
                Salmon Aquaculture, and Local Initiatives.
The  Cousteau  Society
Genetic Engineering
David Suzuki Foundation
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All photos used on this site are from the geocities pagebuilder photo album...See more at Corbis.com.
Endangered Species