<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/dznofroses/thelightofthespirit.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
To Walk But A Brief Moment in the Garden of Heaven

My journey encompasses experiences that culminate into a compendium of
cherished memories full of happiness, joy, and love.
They are but sweet buds in the garden of my life.

Upon examination of these glorious flowers, I see thorns of sadness that have
pricked into my happiness and challenged my convictions.
But, a garden of budding flowers shows the fruits of my endurance.

To examine each petal in all its intricate detail is to take a glimpse into
the smallest recesses of my heart, my life, and my soul.
Each person touching my life is a blossom of flawless excellance.

Indeed, how wonderful it is to see God's creations forming such
wondrous expressions of love, happiness, and friendship in my life.
Each experience creating new beautiful bouquets of splendid color.

The roles I have embraced as daughter, mother, wife,
confident, and friend create new buds blooming forever.
Each experience itself an expression of my love for others.

And, to know that I too have touched the lives of those whom I have
known and cherished, brings incessant joys.

As proof, I need only look to the splendid garden of flowers that
surround me and I realize the gifts I have received in life.

Source unknown.  Midi playin is "The Light Of The Spirit" and can be found at
Angelic Midi Music.
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