
The E4 Theme Editor is designed to aid in quick & easy theme development for the E4 Chat program, enabling a person to just point & click to choose individual colors while the editor does the rest.


You can choose and change individual custom colors.

You can change individual font sizes.

You can generate new themes.

You can import themes you've created with the editor.

You can easily save themes created with the theme editor anywhere.

The theme editor utilizes some of Microsoft's technology, along with some custom developed technology by Knight Chat X.

Note: This software was created by Knight Chat X and follows strict guidlines set by Jim Morris' "E4 Chat" program, it is used as a design tool, more features added to the theme editor will depend on the further development of the E4 Chat program, the more feature's available that can be used with the editor, the more features can be added to it, current focus has been shifted to another project, the E4 Theme Editor is fully functional but comes with limited support at this time, it will be revised & improved at a later date.

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