Sixth NC Buckle 6th North Carolina State Troops  
Photos from The Filming of WICKED SPRING at Blackstone, Va. 
May 20-21, 2000
The following photographs have been provided by members  who wish to share their reenactment experiance. Please send your images to Webmaster Walton to be included here.

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The 6th North Carolina during the filming of
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Story   Synopsis (from the Wicked Spring Web Page)
        Our story unfolds over a single, horrifying and sleepless night -- six soldiers lost in the wicked, burning woods of the 1864 Battle of the Wilderness.

      Confederates Harrison Bolding, Hogg and After Stand find each other by chance after getting lost in the confusing evening of battle.  Also lost in the daze of combat are Union soldiers John Sunderlin, Augustus and the gravely wounded Pietro who are swept together in their army’s retreat.

      Both groups wander the gnarled forest in pitch blackness with nothing to guide them but raging fire and death at every turn -- begging to find a friend. 

     The men happen upon each other and after a tense exchange, decide to share a meager campfire for the trading of food and the comfort and safety of what they all think are friends.

       The men wear ragged, dirty uniforms so in the night’s moonlight they do not realize they are enemies. The next morning the sun rises and exposes their dangerous mistake.

                 The morning’s sun also ushers in a new day of battle as all six men finally face the gravest reality of the Civil War-- the wicked and hasty end to life and the innocence of a nation.

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"Wicked Spring" Logo Courtesy of Wicked Spring Web Page. Please vist Wicked Spring at