Free the West Memphis three
This page is about the West Memphis three aka:
Jessie Misskelly, Damien Echols and Jason Baldwin .

For the people that dont know about this case here is some quick information:

Wednesday 5 may 1993
3 boys are reported missing by the father of one of the missing kids Christopher Byers. Namely Christopher Byers, Michael Moore and Steve Branch. The police seach the area but by 3 am the stop the search and havent found them. The next. day at 14.45 the finnaly drag one of the murdered kids out of the water at the area called Robin Hood Hills. Eventualy the find the bodies of the other two victims.

The police arested the West memphis three without strong evidence. Jessie Misskelly was pushed into a falsh statement and the three where convicted for a crime they did not commit.

The reason why I added this page to my site is that Damien Echols, the main Suspect was arested and convicted because he dressed in black listened to heavy metal music and readed books from Stephen King and Anton Lavey and was into Wicca. The real evidence to convict Damien or one of the other two was nowhere to be found. The fact that a ´´Witch Hunt´´ can be held in this day and age is ridiculous, and it is a discgrace to our freedomn.

This page is a way to inform more people about this case and to support the people who are stil working hard to get the West Memphis three out of jail. For more infomation click the logo at the bottom right. It will take you to the official site of the Free WM3 group.

For the all the people who are working on this case or are contributting in any way to this case:

Thank you for your support!