Eric Muller's Web Page
Web page for
Alliant University
Course EDU 5142:
Resource and Technology Integration in the Diverse Classroom: Science

Instructor Information:

Eric Muller
Office: Exploratorium Teacher Institute
Phone: Work 415 561 0386 or 415 561 0313
Cell 415 225 5282
Office Hours:  Call or email anytime
Fax 415 561 0307

Course Description:

This course explores the role and uses of instructional technology to meet the needs of diverse learners in the science classroom.

This will be an activity-based course that will weave pedagogy with state science content standards and professional technology standards. *

[The state of California will be adopting a new set of standards for teachers to receive their clear credential.  The document entitled, " Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs" has recently been distributed to help guide and prepare teachers during induction.  These standard will apply to all incoming teachers.  These technology standards will be provided in class.]

The objectives of this course are for you to:
o Discover and develop ways of integrating technology into the science classroom
o Use technology to achieve state science content objectives
o Gain experience using new technologies
o Explore creative and innovative uses of technology
o Create a practical and usable science curriculum
o Use technology as an effective assessment tool
o Develop an understanding of key issues in student learning and ways of address these issues by utilizing various technologies

Course Outline
Schedule, Activities, and Deliverables
Class meets on Wednesday evenings, from 4:30 pm ? 8:00 pm, March. 5 ? 26.

Date Topics What?s due...
3/5 Information Communication And Collaboration

Activity ?Puzzle partners: on-line collaboration and icebreaker
Activity - Introductions and exchange email addresses

Technology in Science Instruction

Activity -Presentation of an integrated technology and science mini-unit.

Main Assignment introduction (see additional sheet)

Introduction to digital cameras and simple web page creation.

Activity ? using a digital camera.
Activity - create a simple web page
Weekly Assignment
-Make a web page to introduce yourself to our class and to your future students

Include on this site:
-Introduction of yourself:
A paragraph or two of thoughts you have about technology and science education. Place this on any online service or server you wish.
(You may use any service you want, Alliant student pages, yahoo, geocities?.)
-Send this address via email to all other members of the group
-Find two science related web sites to share during our next meeting.  Think about how you might use these sites in your classroom (try not to use "news or current event sites").
-Place these links on your web page
3/12 Resource sharing and Professional collaboration

Standards in science and technology education

Discuss learners and learning modes in a diverse classroom

Technology in assessment and understanding of science content
Activity - Concept mapping using technology.

Activity ? Animation Make a concept map of your technology/science lesson (draft)

Find two more web sites and add to your web page.
2/19 Resource sharing and Professional collaboration

Multimedia and learning
Activity ? Make a digital video.

Optional ? Collecting and manipulating data
Activity -
Spreadsheets in science
Handheld computers in the science classroom Find two more web sites and add to your web page.

Work on Unit
Resource sharing and Professional collaboration

Activity- Student sharing of mini-units

Other things to do with computers Integrated 3-lesson mini-unit due

Required Reading:
Professional Development:
Multiple Intelligences

Useful links:
California Dept of Education
CTAP ? California Technology Assistance Project
CTAP Links
Technology examples:
Teaching pages


Course Requirements
In this course, you will be required to do the following:
o Attend all classes.  Because our classwork is hands-on, your attendance in this class is essential.

o   Write up a three-lesson unit that integrates science and technology.  Details for your write up follows.

o   Presentation of this lesson on the last day of class.

o Complete required weekly assignments.

Course Evaluation

(1) Attendance 30%

(2) Integrated Three-Lesson Mini-Unit 30%
More information will be provided.

(3) Final Project Presentation 10%

(4) Weekly assignments. 30%

We expect you to turn in every assignment ON TIME.  Missed classes must be made up.
My Favorite Links:
Exploratorium on-line exhibits
Inspiration - program
USGS posters
My other web site
A High School Teachers site
Animations of science - ways to use animation in science class.
man-o man
Pathways - ways to tour the explo with students
Class web pages
Eric  Muller
Name: Mr. Muller
Email: emuller