Heat and Energy


Energy from the Sun;


            100%  of the Sun's Radiation

            -20%   absorbed by clouds &                               atmosphere

            -25%  scattered by clouds & air

              -5%   reflected by surface

            50%     lost


*    Note:   Water vapor and carbon dioxide absorbe some of the radiation and help keep the heat within the atmosphere.  This contributes to the Greenhouse Effect


*    Radiation = transfer of Energy by electromagnetic waves


*    Land areas lose heat quickly while water loses heat slowly


*    Our atmosphere traps air and moves it around which keeps it regulated


Conduction = transfer of heat through matter by molecular contact

      1.   metal spoon in hot water


Convection = exchange of heat due to density difference

      1.   convection currents (such as with hurricanes) causes a constant exchange of       cold air and the less dense warm air

            a.   cold air sinks and forces the less          dense warm air to rise



Air Movement and Circulation


I.    Convection currents in the atmosphere causes old dense air to sink (near poles) move along the surface and force warm air to rise

      A.  this movement causes systems of wind

            1.   if the Earth did not rotate, heated       air would rise and sink with equal           speed and deflection

            2.   Since the Earth rotates on it's axis             the circulation is affected

                  *    Coriolis Effect is a force that             is caused by eastward rotation

                  *    This force causes objects near             the Earths surface in the Northern                   Hemisphere turns west and                      Southern Hemisphere items to                   turn eastward