(Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary)


Materials: labeled rock set, vinegar, streak plate, hand lens, paper towels, water, cloth towel, steel nail, unknown rocks, glass plate, magnet, copper penny.


  1. Obtain sample of rocks.
  2. Test a fresh surface of each rock for hardness and reaction to vinegar. "Bubbling" indicates the presence of a carbonate mineral.
  3. Observe and record the presence of crystals, layers or openings, texture, odor, and ability of each sample to mark paper.
  4. Use a streak plate, steel nail, glass plate, magnet, and penny to identify  and to use the Mohs Scale.
  5. Classify each rock as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.
  6. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the unknown samples.
  7. Use the rock tables to give each rock a name based on characteristics you observe.

Sample Data Table:



Rock Type

Rock Name





















Moh’s  Scale for Hardness


Hardness                      Common Test

1                                  Easily scratched by fingernail

2                                  Can be scratched by fingernail with effort

3                                  Can be scratched by penny

4                                  Scratches penny; can be easily scratched with glass

5                                  Can be scratched by glass

6                                  Barely scratches glass  

7                                  Scratches glass easily