The saga rages on...

LAST UPDATED: 01/28/02


~{ Data Files }~
Handler Information
Theme Music
Role Play Archive

~{ Eagle's Nest }~
The Idea behind the Eagle

~{ Dying Breed }~
From the beginning

~{ Shadow's Lair }~
The Missing Link

~{ Unknown Fate }~
The Untold Story

~{ Friend or Foe }~
Family Tree
Friends Forever
The Path of Rage
The Rock Hard Special

~{ Current E-fed }~
Gladiator Wrestling

~{ The Unknown }~
Your Site Here


What? Eh, I'll write something cool when I feel like it. Not like anyone is actually visiting here. So get off my back! Oh yeah... Try to figure out which links are up. :-P

  • 01/06/02
    - I've only updated a few things. I have been slacking on this page, but the RP Archive is up. Eventually, when I feel like it, I'll add stuff to this page. But for now, I don't feel like it so HA!

  • 11/24/01
    - This page holds information on the key characters in Joey Jackson's life as well as Joey Jackson himself. You'll find biographies on Joey Jackson, Shane Stevens, Melissa Faith, and others as well as how each person is connected. Over time new things will be added. This site may move, due to file space.

Contact Information
AIM: DaOneGuy16
ICQ: 7997272


Copyright © 2001-2002 All rights reserved
Nothing is to be taken from this site without the webmaster's consent.
Any questions or thoughts may be directed to the