You know some times I find it hard to believe that I'm dead. Yeap, I died three years ago tomorrow. I remember it like it was just the other day. I was sitting in a run down hotel with needle in my arm. Inside of the needle was about fifty milligram of cocaine. I knew it would kill me, but I didn't care. I had lost everything. The guys weren't talking to me because I was still on the pain medicine I should have been off of months before. I had started getting drugs from the streets to supplement what the doctors wouldn't give me any more. I had just gotten fired by Eric Bitchoff via FedX and started in the WWF with a radical group called DX. And even worse Shawn was getting married... to the Hoover no less. So I figured what's left? Nothing was what the needle told me.
I laid my head down on the bed side table and injected the full load into my blood stream. I laid down on the bed as the drugs took over making my mind and heart start to slow. I had remember wishing that I had told everyone goodbye. I knew that they would be angry that I had left them with nothing more than a note.
Oddly enough I still had that note. Laughing cynically I reread the note . I'm sorry, guys. I wish I had had the courage to ask for help. I love you all. Goodbye, I love all. Take care of one another and know that I will be watching over you for always. See you someday... I had simply signed it The Kid. I knew how they would all react. So I tried to take the easy way out.
Little did I know that my comment about watching over them would set in motion what was to come.
As I lay there on that bed a light came to rest above me and I heard a disgusted sigh. "Great. Wonderful. Alright you can sit up now. I know you're body's dead, but you're still here. Come on." the voice was somewhere to my right and slowly I turned my head. A handsome man stood there staring, as if waiting for something. It was then I felt my body. Or rather what was left of my body. I realized that I could move and there was no pain... and no drugs in my system. They were both something that I hadn't felt in years.
"Sean Michael Waltman, get off of your lazy ass. I'm not waiting around here all day. I have other things to do," the man said as he pulled Sean off of the bed and onto his feet with one hand.
"Who... who are you?" It was all I could manage as I tried to understand who this man was and how he had gotten into the room.
"I'm Garrett. Your guardian angel. Or I was until you died." Garrett gestured to the needle where I had left it on the night stand.
"I died? I'm dead?" I know... dumb thing to ask, but hey I had just got the shock of my life... er.... death.
"Yeah. Sorry, kid. But now on to the important stuff. You have a choice... Either you go to hell, or you start watching over your friends. It's your decision." Garrett moved to sit on the bed and I sunk to sit beside him.
Needless to say which one I chose. So here I am still dead, and still taking care of my charges, my best friends, my family. So three years ago tomorrow I made the first and last decision of my eternity. Garrett stopped by every now and then. Last time he had stopped by I asked him what would happen when all of them had gone, because I knew I couldn't die. The second and third time I broke my neck proved that. Garrett told me that I would be given a review and judged by how well I guarded my family.
I guess it makes sense. I try to keep them out of trouble as much as possible. And I think I've done some good. I helped Scott stop the drinking. I finally helped Kevin get away from his bitch of a wife. Paul finally understands he's more than just a twink. Jo's getting her dues in Japan. Brian and Kip are finally realizing that they could flame so easily because they were IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER. And Shawn... It seems like it's always And Shawn. Shawn is still married to Becca. Now they have Cameron... I love that little twit and surprisingly he loves me just as much. But, Shawn's back to working on air for the WWE. I don't know what's going on with him. He's not talking to me about what ever it is and for some reason he's talking about bringing Cam on the road with him.
What can I do? I mean it's not like I can read his freaking mind or anything so I do what I always do. Wait for it to blow up in his face and then sweep in to save him.
So here I sit watching him from the back waiting for my cue. You see Scott and I quit NWA-TNA to come back to work for the WWE Even Brian and Kip are back. Brian from the last company he was with and Kip from injury leave. Damn it, some times I wish I had healing powers just so I could take their pain away.
But I'm only allowed one power. Visions. Yeah, whoa-who. Yippy. I guess the easy way to explain is that I see my charges when they're in trouble. Like when Scott was about to start drinking again. I stopped that with a phone call. Or when Kevin's ex-wife tried to kill him. Stopped that with a call to the cops. But some times I get to see them when they're the happiest. Like with Brian and Kip when they finally admitted their feelings to each other. Loved that one. Or when Scott and Kevin moved in together. Wished I had been there for that one.
"Hey, Kid. That's our cue." Kevin said as he, Scott, Brian, and Kip moved to the curtains. Grinning at the idea of being together again I jumped on Kevin's back causing him to laugh before making his move with the others out to the roar of the crowd.
I can honestly say I love hearing the crowd pop. And seeing the truely surprised look on Shawn and Paul's faces.
"What the hell! It's Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac, the Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn!" JR screeched as he and Jerry watched as the group made their way to where HHH and Shawn Michaels were supposedly fighting. Even JR hadn't known what Vince's surprise was. All the two in the ring had been told was to fight and then react normally, not in character, when something happened.
"What's all the fighting about, chicos?" Scott asked as soon as we were in the ring and he had gotten a mic.
All either of them could do was stare as we greeted the crowds. Not only had they not known we would be there tonight, but also that we were coming back at all.
"We... well... umm...What are you guys doing here?" Paul stuttered out, without the aid of his HHH voice.
"We're here to put an end to the fighting and bring back the loving." I said into the mic I had taken from Scott, as I hopped from Kevin's back and grinning up at the big blond Game.
Shawn started grinning and reached out for the Outlaws who happily tucked themselves under his arms. At that I tried not to be jealous as I gave Paul my cockiest voice. "We saw how you were fighting... Sure you two had your problems, but never enough to really hate one another. Come on... Give us a hug and make up." The crowd went nuts as the Game and the Heartbreak Kid, who had broken his hug on the Outlaws hugged then as I, X-Pac, ran over and wrapped my arms around them both. "Now that wasn't to bad, was it?"
Paul and Shawn looked at me then at each other with their trade marked DX grins and we split to stand looking at everyone.
"Let's head to the back... I think we have a tiny party arranged... Oh and Vince, remember how we promised we wouldn't try to take over if you hired us on. Well... We've got two words for ya'." Kevin stopped and all four of us newly rehireds joined in on the last two words. "WE LIED!"
With that the music started and the seven of us went to the back to celebrate.
"What's going on? Why didn't you tell us you were coming back?" Paul asked after we had gotten past the curtain.
"It was a surprise. Jo's trying to get back, but Japan doesn't want to let her go." Scott says as he led us to the suite up above the arena that Vince had been sweet enough to get for us. And the whole thing about us taking over, well, it's just a story line. We're just happy to be back together.
I couldn't help but notice the pain behind the light in Shawn's eyes. "You okay, Shawny?" I asked putting my hand over the scars from his surgeries.
"It's okay, Seany." he told me but didn't move away as I started to massage his back.
Once in the suite I directed him over to the couch and pushed his shirt out of the way as I started to work on the muscle kinks I was feeling. "God, did I miss your back rubs, Seany."
I can't help but laugh at our use of our old nicknames for one another.
"I'm glad someone's found a use for him. His bouncing is making me crazy." Scott said jokingly and cuffed me on the head to let me know so.
"But you got to remember that's how he stays so thin. If he didn't he'd be my size by now." Kevin said sinking into a chair and pulling Scott on to his lap.
Let me tell you something, I don't have to eat at all... I'm dead. The dead don't need food. So I just eat to keep up appearances. Oh, my body still processes it, but I don't need it. And it wouldn't matter if I ate a hundred meals a day I'll never gain or lose weight. This is the size I was when I died and I'll be this size when I get to leave this world.
"Why so sad, Kid?" Shawn asked from beneath my rubbing hands.
"Just remembering what tomorrow is." I answer unthinkingly. I could almost slap myself as the joy in the room stops and they all look at me wondering at the sad note in my voice.
"What's tomorrow, chico?" Scott asked his eyes trained on mine. If I didn't know better I would swear sometimes he could read my very soul.
"Nothing." I tried, hoping that they would just go on with the party.
"That's not going to cut it. If it's enough to make you this sad during what should be one of our happiest moments I think we need to know." Kevin's voice broke for no argument.
"If you must know... Three years ago tomorrow... I tried to kill myself." What I'm not going to tell them is that I succeeded.
"What?" was the outraged cry as Shawn bucked me off and settled me on the couch beside him.
"Why?" Paul asked his eyes wide and wet with tears.
"I couldn't handle it then... But I got a second chance and I've been doing my best with it." I told them and lowered my head wondering how they were going to take it. I knew one day I would have to tell them about my death or the edited version, my brush with death.
"That's all any of us can do, chico... Want to tell us what happened?" Scott asked as they all started moving closer. That was one of the things about them I loved. If they thought one of their own was in need they all banded together no matter the fights happening on and off the screen.
"I thought I shot enough cocaine into my body to kill me," Which in truth, I had, "But as you can see I'm still here. I guess it wasn't time for me to leave just yet." I tell them and was suddenly wrapped in a set of strong arms. I glanced at Shawn as he cried into my shoulder.
"I didn't know..." he muttered as he tried to calm himself.
"No one did." I tell him softly.
"Why didn't you tell us after..." Kevin started out, but stopped when he couldn't trust his voice any more.
"Because I hadn't planned on you ever knowing... But the anniversary always weakens me. This is the first year we've all been together on the anniversary." Shawn slowly pulled away from me and glared at me his eye full of tears.
"So every time you've broken your neck since you've been trying to finish the job, haven't you?"
I gave him a sad smile and shook me head. "No. Those were accidents. I don't want to be gone from you guys. So don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
Kevin heaved Scott from his lap and stood pulling me from Shawn's side. Gently he sat back down in his chair and settled me on his lap. "You're right. You'll be just fine... Or we'll beat the shit out of you."
The others nodded in agreement then the party went on, a little more somber than before, but all in all it was a happy thing.

~*~*~*~*~*~Part Two~*~*~*~*~*~
I was laying in my bed in the hotel room Shawn and I were sharing. Across the room in the other bed Shawn laid there silent as Garrett when he first appears. I couldn't sleep. It had been forever since I had shared a room with someone other than Scott it kind of unnerved me.
"What's wrong, Seany? Can't sleep?" Shawn asked as he rolled over in his bed to look at me.
"Just not used to sharing with any one other than Scott..." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I knew there would be no sleep tonight. Shawn sat up as well looking more than just a little
tired. "What's to worry about? It's not like I'm going to molest you in the middle of the night."
"I know that... But you know me... When I get into a routine I can't seem to break it... At least not for a while. You go on back to sleep. I'm going to go for a walk." Rising I grabbed some pants and a shirt. It was a warm night, perfect for me to think.
Shawn watched as I dressed and left the room. I wasn't really paying attention as I wandered the streets of LA. Out of the shadows a voice stopped me. "Watch and cash... or I slit you from ear to ear."
Shit I think to myself as he steps closer and I see the switch blade in his hand. "Look mister. I don't have any money." I raised my hands and undone the watch from my wrist to hold it out.
"What's going on, Kid?" a familiar voice asked as Shawn walked up to where I was trying not to get knifed.
"Shawn, just go away." I know there was a begging tone in my voice as I kept my eyes on the man trying to rob me.
"What's... Sean you're not..." Shawn left off when he seen the knife.
"You, watch and wallet." the man growled as he shifted slightly to point the knife at Shawn. That was all I could take. I jumped at him and as he was going to throw the knife at Shawn what I didn't feel at the time was the knife lodge in my belly. I knocked the man cold with a swift kick to the head. "Sean?" Shawn asked only slightly surprised by my move. After all I do have a black belt.
"I'm fine, Shawny." I told him turning to him.
"Shit! No you're not." Shawn told me as he put his hand beside where the knife was lodged.
"It's nothing, Shawn. Look." I pulled the knife out and threw it into the shadows of the alley near by.
Shawn watched as the wound pulled in on itself. "See, I wasn't stuck at all... You just thought that you saw that." I hoped this worked other wise I would be having to explain something I didn't want to.
Shawn looked at the area closely and slowly nodded. "Okay... I guess so."
After we had gotten back to the hotel and Shawn had gone back to sleep I lifted my shirt to see how well the wound was healing. It shouldn't take that long, because I heal quickly, that is if the dead can heal at all.
"Hey, kid." a familiar voice called behind me as I walked from the gym to the locker room. Turning I grin when I see Kevin striding up with a bright smile.
"Hey, big guy." I answer as we fall into step.
"We have a barbeque coming up. I hope you know I'm expecting your famous bean salad." Kevin was always the happiest of us. Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I tried to kill myself. All I needed to do was look at this large man beside me and see the joy that is life. Well, I guess I see that now. Then well... I wasn't right. "I'll make a special extra spicy batch for you." I tell him as I turn into the locker room to clean up and dress.
Kevin's smile got even brighter. "Thanks. It's this weekend. Why don't you just come home with us this time? So you don't have to go all the way home then have to fly out for this weekend. Scott and I don't get to see much of you. This will be a perfect time to get visit."
I know what he's getting at. "Kev, I haven't thought about killing myself since that night. I actually kinda like my life. But, I'll fly out with you any way. See you at the arena tonight." I tell him as I gather the stuff I'll need to shower.
Kevin nods and walks off.
Now that they know they're going to be watching me as if the next time I have a steak knife in my hands I'm going to slit my wrists. I shake my head I start to head for the showers. Just as I'm about to go I hear another familiar voice.
"Hey Cam... You're doing what?... Oh that's nice. I can't wait to see it... How's grandma?..." I follow Shawn's voice around a corner and found him sitting on one of the benches lining the walls of the locker room.
"I'll be there tomorrow... Guess where I'm taking you?..." Shawn's eyes darkened at what ever Cam had said. "No we're not going to see mommy... We're going to Uncle Kevin and Uncle Scott's... Yes, they're all going to be there... I love you too, Cam... Bye." Shawn turned off the phone and was just putting it away as he looked up. "Oh... hi Sean. How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough. Shawn are you and Becca doing okay?" I ask, but even I can tell something's wrong. I'm not as oblivious as I act... At least not all of the time.
Shawn sighed and patted the seat beside him. I move over quickly, ready to help if I can. "Becca and I are divorcing."
"Oh, Shawn." Now how did I see this one coming? But I won't think about that right now, I must support my friend. "What happened?"
"The pool guy happened."
Okay, wasn't expecting that. "Huh?"
Shawn sighed and leaned his head against the wall. "She was fucking the pool guy."
"Ouch." Oops didn't mean to say that one out loud. "Sorry."
"It's okay... At least I caught on pretty quick." Shawn gave me a bitter smile and I wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "Where is Cam?" I loved that little twerp and personally didn't want him any where near the cheating Hoover.
"Staying with my mother... I've been thinking about bringing him on the road with me... But I'm not sure that's the best thing for him." Shawn sighed again and laid his head against my shoulder. "I think it's a great idea. This way he can spend more time with me... And the other's of course." I give Shawn my biggest 'I'm so innocent smile', to which Shawn groaned and shook his head.
"I don't want to know what you would teach my son... But it would be nice to see him more."
"See it's settled. You bring him on the road with you and I'll watch him when you're not able to." Where had that come from? Why not offer your ass on a plate Waltman? Sighing internally I focus on him.
"You would? Thank you... I'm stopping over in San Antone on the way to Kev and Scott's... Why don't you come with me? You and him can play while we're waiting for the connecting flight." Shawn's smile was the happiest I'd seen in a long while... So how could I turn him down? I couldn't.
"Sure, why not... I'm not doing anything. And it's be nice to see Cam again." What in the Hell have I gotten myself into?

~*~*~*~*~Part 3~*~*~*~*~
"UNCLE SEANY!" Cam yelled as soon as I got out of the taxi at Shawn's parent's home. The little blond came running and wrapped his tiny body around my leg. God I love this kid. He's one of the reasons I don't hate being around still. It doesn't matter if he's the Hoover's. All I can see is Shawn in that tiny face.
"Hey, kiddo. You been good for your grandma?" I ask as he pick him up. He cuddles in my arms so trusting in make me want to cry.
"Course." he tells me as if he were insulted I would suggest anything else.
"Well, then I'll buy some ice cream when we get on the road... Is your daddy here yet?" Shawn had taken his car to go pick up some things from his and Becca's while I took a taxi to Mr. and Mrs. Higgenbottom's. I had made a stop to pick up a couple of small
surprises for Cam.
"No... he isn't here yet... Come on into the house... Grandma's got homemade cookies... If you asked real nice I'm sure she'll give you one." Cam pointed back to the house as I sat him on his feet.
"'kay. Let me get my things... Cam, if you've been really good I might have a surprise for you in my backpack." I tell him as I sling my bags into my arms.
Cam gave me a smile not too different from the one Shawn had given me on many occasions then nodded as he took my hand and drug me toward the house. "I've been real good. You can ask Grandma..."
"I believe you, Cam. Just let me get to where I can set some of my stuff down and get it out for you." I let him lead me through the house I had spent many holidays at. I remembered the first time I had met Shawn's mom and dad. It had been three weeks before the Thanksgiving after we had just formed DX. I had been staying over with Shawn at his parents house, he hadn't yet found a place that suited him so he just kept his things at their house and when he was off he went there. So I was there with him and his mom asked what I had planned for the holidays. When I told her I was going home to rest she immediately asked me if I had some family I was going to. I told her no, and she told Shawn and I in no uncertain terms that I would be there for every holiday I had off and no where to go. But when Shawn and Becca married I hadn't felt like I would be welcomed and now I spend the holidays with either Kevin and Scott or Brian and his family.
Carol, Shawn's mother, looked up as Cam drug me in and smiled. "Sean... It's so good to see you again... The holidays haven't been the same without you." She walked from where she had been taking cookies from a cookie sheet.
"Good to see you too, ma'am." I answer as I hug her. It's nice to be loved by a mother figure.
"I've told you many times... It's Carol or Mom." she told me as we broke because of Cam wiggling between us.
"Uncle Seany, my surprise?" he turned those big eyes up at me and I melted. Turning I got into my back pack and dug out the puzzle book I had gotten for him.
Cam grinned as I handed to him. He hugged my legs again before running off yelling, "I'm going to start working on them right now!"
"I don't think Shawn was ever that excited about puzzle. He used to hate stuff like that." Carol muttered before pointing me to a chair by the kitchen table. "Tell what's been happening for you."
"Not much. I finally got back to the WWE. I've been wanting to do that for a while." It's easier to watch everyone if they're in one place at one time.
"I was waiting for you all get back together. I loved your first night out there. It was so funny to watch you riding in on Kevin's back... You really must get them to come here some time. I would love to have you all here at once." Carol handed me a couple of
cookies before getting into the refrigerator for some milk.
"I think the guys would love that... Maybe we can have the next bar-be-que at Shawn's and you'll get to see us in our element." But, I think, we'll have to cut some of our usual activities out. But it would be worth it for her. There isn't one of us who doesn't think the world of her.
"That'd be nice... But I'm not sure what goes on at your bar-be-ques are things I should be seeing." Carol gave me a smile that made me see where Shawn had got his ornery side.
I try to think of something to say to discount the blush I can feel burning on my cheeks. "It's okay... I know you're from a different generation than I am. But thank you for the invitation." Carol patted my hand, but I could still feel the blush.
"Daddy's car!" Cam's voice rang through the house.
"Shawn must be here." Carol smiled again as she moved to stand in the door way. I watched as the smile faded. "Becca." she said as she glared at the woman.
"Carol... I'm here for Cam." Becca said as she held cam by the arm. The little boy looked afraid and I felt my temper boiling.
"You know Shawn has a restraining order from you seeing Cam. Now get out before I call the police." Carol ordered worthy of a base drill sergeant.
"He's my son." Becca argued as she shook Cam slightly.
I knew what I had to do. She hadn't noticed me. I moved quietly up behind her and pulled Cam away from her grasp.
She jumped and spun to look at me as I pushed Cam behind me. "Back off Becca. You're not welcome here. Carol go ahead and call the cops. She broke the restraining order." I tell the older woman who nods going for the phone.
Becca looked at me and tried for what she considered a sexy look. "Now, Sean... Please let me have my son. I just want to spend some time with him."
"You don't give a damn about Cam and you know it... You just want a bargaining chip in your and Shawn's divorce. I won't let you use him." I hate it when I growl. I always sound like an angry wolf pup, but I can't help it. She made me want to tear her throat out.
Her seductive look faded and she glared. "He's my son. Not yours. Now let me have him."
"I don't think so, Becca." Shawn growled as he walked in the back door. He had seen the familiar car in the drive and had gone around thinking to catch her unaware.
Just then outside a siren could be heard as the cop car came to a halt in the drive.
Becca was still glaring at me and Shawn a few minutes later when the cops were cuffing her and leading her away.
Cam had wrapped his arms around his father and hadn't let go since. I stood near just in case either needed anything. Carol stood back and shook her head, no doubt wondering what her son had seen in that woman.
"Uncle Seany?" Cam called, drawing my attention.
"Yeah, Cam?" I ask as I go to where Shawn was sitting with Cam in his lap.
"Does Mommy not like me any more?"
What the hell do I say to that? I look to Shawn who had apparently been expecting this. Moving I sat beside them on the couch and Cam scooted over onto my lap. "I think in a way your mommy still loves you... But she's a little sick in the head right now... It doesn't matter though. Cause you have your daddy, Uncle Kevin, Uncle Scott, Uncle Paul, Aunt Jo, Uncle Brian and Uncle Kip."
"I have you too..." His eyes were still wet from the tears of fright. I hold him to my heart and thank God I had the opportunity to get to know Cam.
"Yeah, you do. And even when it seems like I'm not here I really truly am. When ever you need me, I'm here for you." I tell him that because I never know when I'll do something and I'll have to leave forever.
Cam grinned up at me. "You want to work on my puzzle book with me?"
"We've got to get to the airport... Our flight leaves in an hour." Shawn said to that and I nod.
"You're coming with us. It looks like you and me are going to be spending a lot of time together." I told Cam and the little boy grinned.
"I need to get my book and then I'll be ready to go..." he said seriously before jumping up and running to get the puzzle book I had given to him earlier.
Shawn turned slightly to smile at me. "Thank you for stopping her."
"I couldn't let her have him. Come on. We need to get going or we'll miss our flight and the guys will wonder where we are." I stood and moved to get my things with Shawn getting up to go find Cam.

~*~*~*~*~Part 4~*~*~*~*~
Cam sat between Shawn and I as we were touching down in Phoenix. The little guy was chattering ninety miles an hour about a couple of different things. Till finally he came to a stop as we were walking toward where Kevin and Scott were waiting for us. Then with a war cry Cam took off much to Shawn and my dismay. Kevin had started walking up to meet us. "Uncle Kevin!" Cam yelled as he attached himself to Kevin's leg.
"Hey, kiddo. Did you have fun on the plane?" Kevin asked as he picked up the kid and lifted him into his arms. I have this theory why they get along so well. It all has to do with the fact that both of them are kids.
"I did... Seany gotted me a puzzle book. And-" Cam went on and on about what he had done and then he came to a stop and looked into Kevin's eyes. "Momma's gone away..."
I felt my heart clinch as Kevin and Scott stared first at each other then at us before Kevin spoke to Cam. "I'm sorry to hear that, Cam."
"It's okay. 'Cause now I'm going to be with you guys and Daddy and Seany all the time now." Cam snuggled closer and grinned at Scott.
"And that's the good part." Scott said softly as he looked to me and Shawn with a look that told us we would be explaining it later.
PJ, Paul, Joanie, Brian and Kip were waiting on us when we got there. Cam jumped down and ran to his favorite partner in crime.
"Come on, Shorty... I think Scott's new neighbor's got a mean dog that might cause some trouble for Lou-Lou." PJ said naming Scott and Kevin's Shih Szu.
Cam's eyes darkend as he turned and glared at the side fence. "I think we can find something to do to the mean puppy for trying to hurt Lou-Lou."
PJ took Cam's hand and they went running off to see about this mean dog.
"What's Becca done now?" Kevin demanded as we all moved to the back deck to sit and talk.
"She and I are divorcing... and she tried to take Cam after I had a restraining order put on her." Shawn said softly as we took the two person swing just off of the deck.
"Oh, chico... Why didn't you tell us?" Scott said as he put out a hand and patted Shawn on the arm.
"I was going to... today."
As always when something is happening with one member of the Kliq it's everyone's business. "It's going to be a cold day in hell before she ever gets her hand on our youngest." Kevin growled wondering if he still had enough connections to have Becca taken care of permanently.
I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I had never really liked Becca, and the Kliq had never accepted her. So it wasn't a problem with me if she were gone. And it wasn't only the fact that I had feeling for Shawn. I willingly admit that I love him enough that I want him to have who ever makes him the happiest. And I knew the moment I met the Hoover that she couldn't do that. That she would use him and then drop him like a sack of unwanted puppies. Without really thinking about I ended up leaning on Shawn's arm as he spoke of everything that bitch had done to him. That was all I knew for a while.
I still don't understand about sleeping and being dead. I mean if I don't need food why should I need sleep? But it turned out that I did still need sleep. Garret had tried to explain it to me, but it was all scifi to me. That was how I ended up waking up slowly listening to the others speaking about an hour later. Scott's voice was soft as he was trying not to wake me, not knowing I was listening the whole time. "How's Kid taking this? You know, on top of his... suicide anniversary."
I felt the shoulder I was on shudder. "I wish he didn't have to know. It's got to be hard carrying that and then find out that Camelot's not so perfect." Shawn's voice was gentle as he brushed a hand over my curls. I think I'm really starting to enjoy my job... If I had gone ahead and went to hell then I would have missed out on so much.
Making as if waking up I yawned and stretched. "What'd I miss?"
Before any of them could answer Cam and PJ came running laughing evilly. Cam bounced onto my lap on his way onto his dad's. "Daddy we tooked care of the mean dog... He won't go *near* Lou-Lou no more."
Shawn looked over to PJ who chuckled and shrugged as he plopped down beside Brian and Kip. "I don't want to know what you did."
"Seany... where's my book?" Cam climbed off of Shawn and onto me smiling at me with the biggest happiest grin I think I've ever had the pleasure of seeing.
"I think you should play with your family and not bury yourself in your book." I told him as I sat him down and gave him a pat on the back sending him to Paul and Jo. Paul, being a huge kid at heart, grabbed the boy and with Jo, Brian and Kip not far behind they were off.
"How do nannies do it every day?" Shawn asked as they watched the impromptu game of tag going on in Kevin and Scott's back yard.
"I don't know... but you'll be doing it ever day now." Scott said with a laugh as Jo took Kip down with a leg sweep and tagged him it before running off in the other direction.
"Naw, I got Sean here to help me." Shawn answered as he wrapped an arm around me. How am I suppose to resist this man? I asked the sky and a rumble of surprising thunder answered me. Kevin and Scott looked at each other, smiling a secretive little smile. What were those two up to?
The last time I had seen that smile Brian had ended up with strawberry pink braids, to match Kip's ring tights or so they had said.
"I'm just glad you guys are going to be there for Cam... He needs stability right now and moving form place to place like we do isn't too stable." Shawn murmured watching as PJ rose and ran to join the fun. Tag had miraculously become a wrestling match.
"We're family, chico. It's what we're here for..." Scott told him then locked eyes with me. "I should start dinner and I could use some help." I knew that voice. It was the one we called 'Mama Wolf'. All of the Kliq knew better than to say no, and so I was on my feet and following Scott into the house leaving Kevin and Shawn to supervise the 'kids' playing in the yard.
It took a few minutes but the speech I was expecting came as I was putting the finishing touches on the salad. "What are you going to do?"
Now that wasn't what I was expecting. "About what?" I knew I was stuttering, but Scott's question had really caught me off guard.
"About Shawn... Kid, I know you feel something for him. You have since the moment you met him. You of all people know how short life is. You should say something. Maybe not right now, but soon... I don't think I would be too far off in saying that he might like you a little as well." Scott's brown eyes were filled with a parental warmth that I had come to count on.
"I'll think about it." Could Shawn feel something for me? If he did how did I make him stop? I was suppose to guard them not have them fall in love with me.
"You do that... And what ever darkness is eating at you, let it go. You deserve happiness. Love you, chico." Scott hugged me and brushed a kiss over my forehead before shoving me toward the back door. "Tell Kevin to get the pit ready."
"Can I light it?" I ask impudently.
"No! I don't want the fire department called here." Scott laughed and turned back to the meat he was preparing for the barbeque pit.
It seemed like a strange dream, all of us together. It had been a while since all of us had been together in one place at one time, that wasn't wrestling related. We had sat down to dinner and after had played volleyball while Cam and Jo read a book on the back deck.
"Sean! Heads up!" I looked up in time to catch the damn volleyball in the face. One of the first rules to playing volleyball with this bunch is never take your eyes off the ball. Slowly I pick myself up from where I had landed and glared at Kevin, who had spiked it into my face.
"You okay?" Shawn asked as he came to check me over.
"Fine." I wiped at my nose and glared at the blood. "Bloody nose though." Unthinkingly I just wipe it away and turn back to the game. Shawn took his position and we went back to playing, this time with my full mind on the game.

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