I mean, a couple of my best friends are lesbians, but if all I knew was what I see on TV today, I would think I was the last heterosexual in the country.  To steal a phrase from my granny, "you can't swing a dead cat" in any direction without hitting a homo on television any more.

    After Ellen Degeneres and Rosie ODonnel's careers both imploded in the wake of their coming out episodes, I was hoping the radical gay/lesbian/bisexual/transformer/sado-masochist/twisted/mutant-DNA rights lobby would ease up a bit, but Holy Crap, was I wrong.

    Whatever happened to the good old days of television, when all we had was maybe Paul Lynde, who could've passed for merely "effeminate" because he didn't rub your face in anything...he was just freakin' funny, only with a lisp.

   Oh yeah, and there was Mr. Blackwell, but you only had to see him once a year when he presented his Worst Dressed List, throwing stones at all those starlets who were prettier than him.  But that was about the extent of the gay presence on television.

   Back then, in the Dark Ages of the 1960's, they were still considered perverts and Sodomites by most of Americans who lived outside of L.A. and who weren't involved in theater or animal rights.  This was the America I grew up in.  Live and let live. We know you're here and you're queer, but that don't mean we want to do lunch.

    It went along fine like that for a long time.  The straight world knew there were homosexuals out there and they were, for the most part, good people. But we also knew that something had gone wrong in the wiring somewhere and this is not the way nature intended things to work, hence the term "queer", which simply means "not the norm".  Then, somewhere along the line, it all went horribly wrong.
    I think maybe it began with that fruity little hairdresser who wore the beat-up straw cowboy hat and did the "Today Show" makeovers in the 70's.  I don't remember his foo-foo little name but he was the first one I remember who really grossed me out.

   When I say he grossed me out, I guess what I really mean is that he gave me the heebie-jeebies ~ that feeling you get when you know something just ain't right. That feeling doesn't make me a bigot, I don't think.  It seems to me that to be a successful species, Nature would logically almost have to instill in us a  queasiness at the thought of a dick up our ass, but maybe that's just me.. I don't know anymore.

   I think now just about every sub-culture of the homosexual community is represented somewhere on the tube.  There is Chip and Reichen, the "married couple" who won this year's "Amazing Race" on CBS.  They are a couple of hunky beefcake types who probably discovered their underlying desires during a long, smoldering look from across the gym as they were both preparing to shoot another underwear ad.

   When these guys crossed the finish line, of them was crying and says "We're just like you...only gay!" Yeah, right...you're just like me except you enjoy the taste of dick.

 Then there was Richard, the fat naked gay guy who won the first "Survivor", also on CBS.  I don't know what sub-group that one was from.  

   And, of course, you have your Screaming Queens like that "just Jack!" guy on NBC and the old pillowbiter who won the Tony Award for "Hairspray" this year...Harvey Firestein?

  Eccentric, lovable characters all, I'm sure, but they are only the acceptably harmless face of the real problem, which is lurking behind the scenes and secretly proceeding with a radical agenda that threatens the lives and liberty of all of us -- straight and gay alike.

   It's kind of like that movie "Gremlins".  If you let yourself get comfortable with these cute and fuzzy gays and let them into your home, you will find that beneath their harmless facades lurk the Evil Nazi Gays like David Geffen and Patricia Ireland, who will stop at nothing to destroy every meaningful institution and tradition in America.

  These leaders of the Evil Nazi Gays know that before we can be absorbed into a World Community, the United States must be cleansed of any national identity, including all religious, educational, and family structures that would interfere with complete government control of our lives.

 Although securing their own positions of power in the coming World Order is the ultimate goal of the radical gay lobby, most of the gay people I am aquainted with don't even realize it, having already bought into the idea that diversity and civil rights are at the root of the movement.
    However, "diversity" and "civil rights" are just the slogans that these power-mad bastards have found focus groups responding to.  And homosexuality has proven to be a most successful cause when it comes to destroying our traditional national institutions:

  --  Gay bishops and pedophile priests have destroyed all but the most faithful's trust in religious institutions;
  --  High Schools must now be segregated so gay students don't feel "threatened" by all those awful straight students;
  -- Gay Marriages, adoptions, and the recruitment of our youth to the gay lifestyle threatens the even the most basic structure necessary for our nation's existence..the family.

    The homosexual communtiy in America is not a threat to anyone but themselves, considering the suicide rate and the other health risks that go with the lifestyle, but the radical gay Lobby and their world socialist agenda is a threat to us all.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
opinion from  Craig Griswold