3rd Earth: Evil
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This guy is Mumm-Ra's servant. Although made out to be a source of fear, I believe he only feeds on it. He was released from his tomb-prison by the Thunderkittens and proceeded to rampage Third Earth. He was later defeated and reimprisoned. He looks like a scraggly goat thing that's half human and grows with the more fear he consumes. Ha! Like he's so scary!

Appears to be a robot mercenary who works for diamonds. If he doesn't have diamonds, his drill will dull and he won't be able to get around anymore. In this pic, he is drilling a big pit in the ground for Mumm-Ra.

An evil enchantress who is trapped in a time-warp prison. She has the "Doom Gaze". All she has to do is gaze into a guy's eyes and zappo! The guy is zonked out in a trance and can't do anything.

The Living Ooze-
If you had swampy water that could talk, you would have the Living Ooze. His main goal in life appears to be causing the decay of forests and water pollution. Fortunately, he is a slow worker.

Once upon a time there were two great evil forces: Mumm-Ra and Zaxx. Mumm-Ra eventually defeated Zaxx. Zaxx remains trapped in a magic amulet. When someone puts it on, he starts to take over their body. If the person doesn't remove the amulet, he completes the transformation and is free of the amulet.

The Mermaid
She has a voice which can mesmerize people. Once she lures them near her, she goes through a slight transformation. She aquires claws, glowing red eyes, and fangs. Then she tries to pull a Count Dracula. Almost took a chunk out of Tygra.

She's a giant spider. She's queen of the spider kingdom. She thinks that the Thundercats would make nice snacks. Mummra once tried to use her to destory the Thundercats

Mad Bubbler
He lives in an old, abandoned thundrilium mine. When someone enters the mine, he captures them in bubbles which contain a gas that causes whoever breathes it to "destroy or be destroyed". He was able to dod this to both Thundercats and Lunatact.

Mud Hogs
A primitive race of pig people who live underground. They are not friendly and cannot understand English. They attack anyone who enters their territory.

King of the Mud Hogs
He's, well, the King of the Mud Hogs. He's bigger than the other Mud Hogs. Hopefully he is a little smarter than those he leads.

They're big, ugly, and strong. They don't appear to be too bright. They make the Trolliks raid the Berbil Village for food.

They raid the Berbil Village for the Giantors. They aren't too bright and not incredbily tough. Trollik can also be spelled Trollig, Trollog, or Trollok. Everyone seems to pronounce it differently.

A mercenary who works for gold. He has flame powers and lives in a volcano. He uses gold to restore his powers. We see in two diff episodes.
The first where the sword is broken by a trick form Mummra that has Lion-o attack Tygra. And th next when Lion-o goes up against Mummra in the Annointment Trials.

Black Widow Spider
Seafood with an attitude. She tries to eat anyone that tries to cross the River of Despair. She also attacks anyone that is in nearby water.

Rock Giant
Mum-Ra brought this rock guy to life to destroy the Thundercats. (What else?)
Personally, I think he makes a nice lawn orniment, what do you think?

Rock Men
Well, um, they're rock men. They like to throw boulders at people and generally aren't nice.

The Living Hill
The hills are alive... This rocky hill can turn into a rock person, but is unable to leave his spot (because it has no legs). Not the most violent bad guy, but it does like to grab people that walk by it.

The Great Void
Well, it's kind of like an a living fog/mist that attacks those who get close to it.

Queen Tartara
She is a cruel and greedy queen that hords all sorts of treasures and valuable things. She keeps them in a treasure room where only she can enjoy them. She is hard and mean, and the irony is she just wants to be happy.

Queen Tartara's Guards
These guys are, um, stupid. Their language consists of grunting. They guard Queen Tartara, her castle, and her treasure. Those that guard the treasure wear visors which blind them, but do tell them when an ememy approaches. They are not allowed to see the evil queen's treasure.

Mole Master
He makes the Molemen work for him.

It's big, ugly, and hungry. It also has a really big tounge (hence the name). It lives in the River of Despair.

Robber Baron Carnor
A master thief and also a magician. He robbed people for many years. He had a tower full of traps to guard him and his treasure. Fortunately, he is dead.

Carnor's Gargoyles
Robber Baron Carnor brought these stone gargoyles to life to steal for him. After he died, they continued to steal from people.

Carnor's Octopus
This octopus will try to eat any trespassers.

The Child of Gorgon
The Child of Gorgon is "asleep". It lies as the hills of Elfshema. Elfshema is an anagram for "I am flesh". It "slept" until Mumm-Ra brought it back to life using the Mask of Gorgon and the Sword of Omens. It is really big.

The Techno-Pede
It is a massive robot that looks like a cross between a beaver and a centipede. It has lots of legs and gun turrets are mounted all over it.

The Carnivorous Tree
When something wanders too close, it grabs it with its branches. It's fairly strong and laughs a lot.

Fahtahta Chetah
This chetah is a stone statue in Mum-Ra's pyramid. He brought it to life to get Wizz-Ra's magic helmet.

The Beserkers:

"Pre" Hammerhand
Leader of the Bersekers. He has a big metal hand, hence his name. He rules with an iron fist. He has a really cool pirate voice. This is how he was drawn in the The Terror of Hammerhand.

Top Spinner
This berserker has the ability to spin around very fast. This ability usually makes him dizzy if he doesn't hit somebody/something soon after he starts spinning.

Ram Bam
This guy has a really hard head. He has whells on the bottom of his feet and a larger wheel in the middle of his chest. He can roll on this wheel and make a charging attack on walls and doors (etc).

This berserker is really strong. He can crunch bolders with his fist (hence the name).

Generic Berserkers
These guys are only seen in the The Terror of Hammerhand. It is logical that Hammer Hand needs a crew to command, but they disappear after this episode and are never seen again. I think they died.