Thundercats: Season 1
Galleries Information Fan Fiction
The Thundercats come form aplanet called Thundera. This planet blew up one day, but most of its people have left the planet in the nick of time, among those people were the nobels who are called the Thundercats.

On thier way to another planet, the ships were attacked by the mutants. The ship the Thundercats were on was badly damaged, and couldn't make it to the fist place they were heading for. After a looking looking around, they found 3rd Earth and went for their instead. But, the trip was long and they had to go into these things called Suspensionc Capsuals that worked to slow the agging process.


Lion-O's father, who died on 3rd Earth. He formly held the Sword of Omens before it passed into Lion-O's hands. Even though he lost his sight in the past, it didn't affect him none the less.

We meet him in an episode where Lion-O gets sucked into a time capsual and is taken back to the final moments of Thundera. It was during this that Cluadis passed on a blue print for a weapon that the mutants were using at the time and saved the Thundercats for a "second time".


The eldest and wisest, he leads the nobels at first & was once keeper of the Sword of Omens. But, the ship needed a person to guide it to its final destination.

He's now in the astral plane and appears in astral form to Lion-O to give advice and info.


Son of Claudis, we first meet him as a young boy. But for some reason, his grew up in his capsual while the others stayed pretty much the same age.

He is the present Lord of the Thundercats and weilds the mystic sword of omens. Its powers include "Sight Beyond Sight" which shows Lion-o if another Thundercat is in danger or anything he needs to know. It's dagger size when not in use but will gorw to full size when needed. It even has the ability to call the other Thundercats.

He also has this other weapon called the claw sheild. It fits onto one o fhis hands and acts as a sheild, while the claws shoot out with cords attached for climbing or roping.


Lion-O's dog back on Thundera. We meet him in the same episode as Claudis. But, he's not like any of our dogs. He looks very prehistoric to us.


Snarf was once Lion-O's nursemaid back on Thundera, but isn't now that he has grown up (and he often has trouble acepting that fact...not that I wouldn't balme him). He has the gift to conmunicate with animals, and he's a great cook.

Once when the other Thundercats had been captured, he rescued them all.


The architech, Cat's Lair was built under his guidance in three days. He has meantal powers that were displayed in the anointment trials, but he dosen't use them often cuz they out a strain on his brain.

He uses a weapon called the Bolo Whip. It can spark up fire and explosions as well as turn him invisible. Once, he made himself and another invisble. But, it overloaded and he couldn't undo it. Luckily, it was undone with help from the Sword of Omens.


The Mechaincal WIzard and Technological Genius, he was able to build the ThunderTank from the wreckage of thie rhsip. He has even built many of the other vechiclas the Thundercats use.

His weapons are the Nunchucks, which has hidden compartments to conceal just about anything. And the spikes on his outfit.


The fastest one of them all, she could outrace the Thundertank (or match its speed), but she can keep up her speed for a short time.

She even has a sixth sense that warns her of danger and allows her to see into the past (which has been done at least twice in the show).

Her weapon is a magic staf that grows and shrinks in size. She's very handy with it.

Wiley Kit & Kat:

Kit is the girl & Kat is the boy.

They often don't get along, but make a great team. They are know for thier crafty tricks, and use various capsuals to pullm most of them off. They also have they rope things that they can swing aroudn with and such. But, they luv the hover boards and we often see them going around 3rd Earth on them. Sadly, we don't see much of them in the whole series.