Space: Good
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A Thunderian refugee that helps the Thundercats on several occasions.

She is a member of the space police. She is an "Evil Chaser" for an organization known as "Control." She loves to arrest baddies and even enjoys giving tickets to the good guys. A real workaholic.

Space Police
Usually just supporting police dudes that are never seen. They keep the prison planet under control.

E.I. Stands for Ecology Inspector, and he is not one of my favorite characters. His job is to go from planet to planet and make sure the good guys are running clean operations; the bad guys won't let him inspect their headquarters.

Swan's Pilot
This guy is a kind of non-descript character. He is the pilot of the swan, and I am guessing he is maybe a little bit better than an average pilot.

A samurai warrior that lives by the code of Bushido. Wields a sword called "The Thundercutter." Is one of the few people who can match Liono in swordsmanship.

This young Thunderian refugee landed on New Thundera in an escape pod. She helped save Cats Lair. The Thundercats found her parents' escape pods and brought them to New Thundera.

Captain Bragg
Runs a circus train that contains dangerous and evil creatures from around the universe. He captured the Lunatacs and the Mutants.

Captain Bragg's very cool crow. Keeps making funny comments. I think he has just a tiny bit more sense than Captain Bragg.

Screw Loose
He is a S.A.P. (Self Acting Phenomenon). He is a gyroscope expert. He came to New Thundera to help Jagara operate The Mighty Gyroscope.

The Territors may be ugly, but they're not evil. Their race has been decimated by the Kiberas. The Territor that met the Thundercats was on a quest to find the others of his kind that survived the last Kibera attack.