Fanfiction Characters
The Preist

He has two forms. Mumra, the Demon Preist (top). And Mumra the Ever Living
(bottom) . Mumra has a pact with the spirits of evil, and wants to rule 3rd Earth, but the Thundercats are in his way of this.

Mumra has the ablity to change his form to the guise of just about anyhthing, which has tricked many people, including the Thundercats.

Also, the pool of water in front of his sarcoufagus works in pretty much the same way as sight beyond sight. It can show him anyplace he wants on 3rd Earth...including the inside of Cats Lair!

Mar Mutt:

Mummra's Bulldog pet. He often guards the pyramid when his master is gone. Mumra has often changed his form to get him dangeriously close to the Thundercats. Mar Mutt even pioleted a time traveling pyramid once.

The Mutants

They come from a planet called Plundar, attacked the royal flag ship to get the Sword of Omens but failed, followed the Thundercats to 3rd Earth and have been fighting them to get the sword ever since then. They even made salves out of the Brute Men so they could build Castle Plundar.


He's the leader when the series starts out, but someone else is actually leader of the Mutants. He and the other mutants are after the Sword of Omens.


Not much can be said about him. He's got good aghility up in the trees, and he has a mini sheild that acts as a weapon sometimes.
One time he went to Mumra to get power and made a pact with him. Once Monkian got what he wanted, the price was that he had to stay in the Black Pyramid. When he couldn't use his powers that Mumra gave him to get out, he gave them up and he was free to leave.


Jackalman also broke off from the Mutants himself, and became General Jackalman. He was able to ban some of the evil 3rd Earthers together for awhile but it all fell apart and he went back to the mutants...but not with out facing them for he had done.


The tech wiz of the mutants, loves technology. He even has his own flaying mahcine shaped liek abird that the mutants often use. He also left the mutants, and detonated anything he had ever made. He then went and joined the Lunatacks for awhile.


The true leader of the Mutants. He has come up with quite a few schemes to do away with the Thudercats, no surprise that they failed. He has these weapons called the Rats Eyes, which are a pair of Ninja dagers which have magic powers liek the sword of omens. You can pick him out cuz he dresses like a japanese warlord.


The Lunatacs come form the Moons of Plundar, banished to 3rd Earth. They reside on Dark Side.
Long before Thundercats and Mutants came to 3rd Earth, Mummra imprioned them in lava. But after the New Thundercats showed up, Mummra had the Mutants realsed them.

You can tell if someone is a Lunatac by the creasent moon on their brow.


Leader of the Lunatacs. She may be small, but she is still a good leader (even if the others don't see this half the time). She had a grandmother who was 3rd Earth once and her magic belt was still there, so Luna went after it & became full size and had all the powers of the belt. But only problem...


He is Luna's protector, and he takes her any where she needs to go. He isn't very smart, but he is very loyal. Once, theother Lunatacts were ready to oust Luna but Amuk stood in thier way.

When Luna got the belt, she didn't need Amuk anymore. But, the two had been together so long that he couldn't acept this fact. So when she lost the belt over a ridge, he had been down below to catch it, but he tossed it over lossing it forever it so seems.


Chilla is the frosty one. She is basiclly made of ice and fleash. She has the ability to blow out ice from her mouth and encaseing anyone she wants in solid ice.

Tug Mug-

A short stout fella, he has no legs and bounces around on this attachment thing.
He has the ability to defy and control gravity with the help of a weapon that can make you light as air or heavy as a rock.

Red Eye-

He has these red bug eyes, and has the ability to change his vision to see in just about in any way. In one episode, you see that he was able to see through soild rock and saw a person on the other side. He even has these disks that come from his chest that attacks the person, once he hones in on them


He's a mind messer, so to speak.
He has a club that can make you supsetible to the power of his sugestion, whihc is his made source of "power"
And he ahs this huge machine the reads people's minds.
Once, he was able to make a usper fule for SkyTomb that made living things grow bigger.
The Everliving
Little Luna
Princess Luna